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Side Dishes (526 recipes)

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Vegetables (196)

Side Dishes Recipes

Green Eggs (No Ham)

Green Eggs (No Ham)

A great recipe from Cynthia Lair’s fabulous book, “Feeding the Whole Family.”

Preparation time: 15m

4 eggs, 2 T water, 1/2 t salt, 1 T butter, 1 c spinach, 1/4 c cheese

Green Veggie Sauce

Green Veggie Sauce

This sauce can be eaten as a cold or hot soup, or as a sauce over whole-wheat noodles or brown rice!

Preparation time: 15m

1/3 c scallions, 1 c water, 1/2 c avocado, 1/4 c beet greens, 1 c spinach, 1 c romaine lettuce, 2 T parsley, 2 T mint leaves, 2 T basil, kelp, lime juice

Greens and Goat Cheese Crustless Quiche

Greens and Goat Cheese Crustless Quiche

Originally this fabulous Luna Circle Farm CSA recipe called for sorrel, but can really be made with any flavorful leafy green. Experiment with your favorites! -SR

Preparation time: 1h

2 c leafy greens, 2 scallions, 3 oz chevre, 3 eggs, 1 1/2 c milk, 1/4 t salt

Grilled Avocados with Cherry Tomatoes and Herbs

Grilled Avocados with Cherry Tomatoes and Herbs

These grilled avocados lend themselves to improvisation -- just use any fresh herbs and nuts you have on hand, and you can't go wrong.

Preparation time: 20m

4 avocado, 4 lemon, 1 c parsley, 1 c basil, 1/2 c chives, 1/3 c olive oil, pn salt, 2 T pine nuts, 1 pt cherry tomatoes

Grilled Balsamic Rosemary Carrots

Grilled Balsamic Rosemary Carrots

Try other combinations of herbs and spices - they all taste amazing!
Preparation time: 30m

4 T butter, 1 T vinegar, 1 t rosemary, 1 lb carrots

Grilled Corn with Basil Butter

Grilled Corn with Basil Butter

Grilled corn on the cob is incredible when slathered in summerly basil compound butter!

Preparation time: 30m

1 c basil leaves, 8 T butter, 8 corn

Grilled Eggplant with Basil Vinaigrette

Grilled Eggplant with Basil Vinaigrette

Eggplant doesn't need a lot of preparation to taste great. Specialty varieties like Lilac Bride often lack the astringent flavor and big seeds that Italian Globe eggplant sometimes has.

Preparation time: 20m

6 T olive oil, 1 T white wine vinegar, 1 T capers, 20 basil leaves, 1 clv garlic, salt, pepper, 5 lb eggplant

Grilled Heirloom Tomato and Poblano Salsa

Grilled Heirloom Tomato and Poblano Salsa

Grilling or broiling the vegetables in this salsa makes it extra special. It will keep in the fridge for about a week, so double the recipe if you'd like!

Preparation time: 45m

1 1/4 lb tomatoes, 1 red onion, 1 bell pepper, 1 poblano pepper, 3 clv garlic, 2 T olive oil, 1 t salt, 1 lime, 1/3 c cilantro