You can now sign up to receive emails about fresh produce and flyers listing current sales.Our “Word on the Beet” email, sent weekly starting the first week of May, will share what fruits, vegetables, and herbs are in season, what’s delicious, what’s new, what’s surprising and delighting us, and what you might not have known about the produce that you’ll find in our stores. Sign up for the Word on the Beet produce news email here.

Co+op Deals flyerYou can also sign up to receive our Co+op Deals flyers via email. These are open to all shoppers, not just Willy Street Co-op Owners. They are the same sales you can find in our newsletter, but we know not everyone may read the newsletter, and the mid-month email is a great reminder about the new set of sales starting then. Sign up for the Co+op Deals flyer email here.

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