Even though we’re only halfway through May, Willy Street Co-op’s two matching donations to help local farmers have met their goal!
Between May 1 and May 13, donors contributed over $5000 to the Dane County Farmers’ Market/FairShare Emergency Farmer Fund, which means the Co-op will match that full amount. The Fund will assist their member farms and food producers whose income has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak—not only the same challenges many of us are experiencing, but also restaurant closures, limited availability of meat processors, and higher expenses. Farms will be able to apply funds to essential loan and mortgage payments to ensure they can stay on their land and keep their businesses afloat, as well as support employee wages. The Fund is only $9,000 away from meeting their $50,000 goal, so a donation today can help. For more information, see www.gofundme.com/f/emergency-farmer-fund
REAP Food Group and Roots4Change Farms To Families Emergency Initiative also raised $5000 since the beginning of May, so Willy Street Co-op will match that amount as well. The Initiative helps purchase fresh, healthy, locally grown food from regional family farms and provide it to Madison-area Latino/Indigenous residents and families hard-hit by job loss, food insecurity, lack of access to social services, and federal anti-immigration provisions. They are seeking about $7000 to meet their goal of $60,000. Any funds raised beyond that goal mean that more hungry families will have more local food for more weeks. For more information, see reapfoodgroup.org/farms-to-families
Thank you to all who donated!
See more ways to help local farmers and vendors.