New Updates (1.26.23)
We’ve chosen to end the posting of positive staff COVID test results due to very infrequent incidents. We will revisit this decision if there is an increase in positive cases in the future or if CDC or Public Health Madison Dane County guidance changes.
- If you’d like to know about how busy a store is likely to be in the future so that you can plan when to shop, check out our Google Business listing. Click a link below and scroll to Popular Times to help you plan when you’ll shop.Willy East – open 7:30am-9pm
http://g.page/WSC-eastWilly North – open 8am-9pm
http://g.page/WSC-northWilly West – open 8am-8pm
http://g.page/WSC-west - Online shopping for delivery, pickup, and curbside service is available. Currently our e-commerce platform does not work on mobile devices.
Please be kind to staff and customers. Thank you for doing all you can to reduce the possibility of exposure for everyone in our store. We will continue to add measures as circumstances warrant.