Mexican avocados have been in the news in the last few months, and not for a good reason—acres and acres of forests are being cut down to plant avocado trees, and the lucrative trade in avocados is increasingly attracting a criminal element. We’ve gotten some customer comments from concerned Owners and wanted to address them.
Willy Street Co-op is committed to sourcing avocados from Equal Exchange, which works with a cooperative of small-scale, family-run avocado farms that are committed to practices supporting both the environment and their communities.
Equal Exchange has posted some very informative articles if you’d like to learn more:
- Current Challenges for Small-Scale Avocado Farmers in Michoacán
- Truly Responsible Sourcing
- These Avocado Farmers Welcome Monarchs
- Cooperatively Grown Avocados: An Interview with PROFOSMI