by Tatiana Dennis, Board Member

Annual Meeting

Seasonal changes are on the horizon, and as we ready ourselves for fall, we prepare for our annual meeting. Hosted once a year, the annual meeting is an opportunity for us to come together and celebrate Willy Street Co-op.

At the Annual Meeting we’ll share future plans with Owners and talk with current and prospective Board members alike. Participation in the annual meeting is a great opportunity for our Owners to share valuable input and feedback.

This year, our panel discussion will include a few of the Owners who helped to found our Co-op; they’ll share about the ideas behind creating a food co-op and the challenges of keeping it going.

Our Annual Meeting will be held in person at Aubergine (1226 Williamson St., Madison) on October 1. Appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages will be offered from 5:00pm-5:30pm. At 5:30pm, the business meeting will start and run until approximately 6:30pm, and then we’ll draw prize winners. The panel discussion will start at about 6:30pm.

So come share your thoughts, and hear ours too, as we celebrate a year of growth and change at the Willy Street Co-op.


Board Elections

Another Board election season has come to a close, and we are thankful to all who applied. Owners will be able to vote for Board members starting on October 1. Vote with a paper ballot in-store, by phone, by mail, or online through the email we’ll send you—please stop at the Customer Service desk to update your email address if needed! The ballot will be published in the October newsletter.

As a Board member seeking reelection this year, I say with confidence that being a Willy Street Co-op Board member has been one of my greatest joys and honors. Keep an eye out for an opportunity to run in 2025.


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