by Kristina Kuhaupt, Customer Experience Manager

What does “nourish” mean to you? It is a descriptive word that can change based on the context of the subject. For me, it is one of those words that is not just descriptive of fresh food. Additionally, it is a feeling of an environment as well. It is that moment that is sometimes hard to describe but you know it when you are in its presence. It conjures up times with friends and family when you are all helping each other in the kitchen chopping fresh veggies or searing some local cuts of meat for a recipe that you are finally brave enough to try with the encouragement of the group; it is a communal feeling. It can also be that go-to family favorite that you don’t need a recipe for; you just know that you need a cut of this, a dash of that, and a whole lot of a certain spice or herb. Either way, it is where you make sure you are creating something special with time dedicated for an environment where memories are made and for eating food that enriches you, not just feeds you. I have been asking myself, how does one do this on a regular basis, rather than making it a special event for one day a week? It is going back to valuing quality over just convenience. One way to help jumpstart this desire would be to check out one of our cooking classes in October. During this month, Owners will receive 50% off all classes! (Individual nutritional consultations are not included.) I encourage you to take advantage of this perk to pick up a new cooking skill, sign up your children for one of our kids’ classes, or try a new flavor pairing technique that you have not normally incorporated into your meal routine. The options are endless.

 At the Co-op, we believe in food and an environment that nourishes you and your family. Our humble beginnings started in 1974 out of a basement borrowed from Nature’s Bakery Cooperative on Williamson Street. Here, we sold produce with about 500 Owners and six volunteer workers. Over the years, we grew with the changing needs of the communities around us and with the help of our Owners financial support. Today you see three thriving stores, a Production Kitchen, and a business office, none of which would be possible without you, the Owners! Recently, I was at a festival where I was helping out at the Co-op tent and was asked multiple times what a cooperative is. Many people would say, “We drove past your store, went in it a few times and enjoyed it, but we don’t really understand what ownership is all about.” I got the opportunity to explain—a cooperative is where a group of people come together to create a service based on their collective needs, and all parties are invested in each other’s success. When you invest in us (by investing your share of equity), you are putting your dollars towards a collective social agreement that we want to see thrive and continue for generations to come because we believe in it. The cool thing about a cooperative is:

  1.  Your investment is not a fee! Many of us are used to other membership-based services, but at the Co-op, this is not the case. At the Co-op, you get your investment back if you ever leave the area and/or do not want to continue shopping with us. By investing this equity, you have a voice in how the cooperative is run through your board members. In addition, Co-op staff work to bring the highest quality products and services to you. Each day, we understand that the products and services we provide you will help nourish you and your family, and we take that job seriously.
  2. Owners save money! Yes, everyone is welcome and will always be, however, if you invest, you save through Owner sales on top of the National Cooperative Grocers coupons and specials. It equates to an average of $100+ savings per year if you spend about $40 per week. We believe in making nourishing food accessible to everyone. Accessible, sustainable, quality food is a right for all! Please consider our Access Discount Program if you already qualify for other financial assistance programs. This program saves Owners with financial need an additional 10% off their grocery bill and allows them to pay their equity investment over a longer period of time by investing as little as $4 per year until paid in full equity balance. Access Discount Program participants also receive a coupon for one free cooking class. There is a great video on our website which explains how this program works and how it could be a great benefit to you at:

For those of you wondering, the definition of nourish is to nurture, rear, to promote the growth of and/or to furnish or sustain; according to The Merriam Webster dictionary. Here’s to a nourishing fall season filled with all the things that help us experience community, and the food that brings us together in a shared experience—cheers!

October Owner Appreciation Month: A Heartfelt Thank You!

As alluded to above, October is Owner Appreciation Month! This is an exciting time where Owners get extra specials on groceries, perks, and discounts as a thank you for supporting your Co-op. Below are some of the perks that you can expect to receive.

Owner Perk Alert: 50% off ALL classes during the entire month of October

This is a great time to check out our classes, especially if you have never tried them before. They are so fun, educational, and get you back in touch with preparing new dishes and feeling comfortable in the kitchen. In addition, our kids’ classes are a great way to get your children involved. It will help bolster an interest in learning how to prepare their own meals and where food comes from. Take advantage of this Owner perk before classes fill up. Please note, this does not include individual nutrition consultations—thank you.

15% off Wellness Wednesday 

As many of you may know, one of the ongoing perks of being an Owner is that joyous feeling on the first Wednesday of every month where you can stock up in our Wellness department because most items are 10% off. It is a great way to make sure your household has all the vitamins, bodycare, and supplements that you would need for the month. During this October, we increased the discount to 15%— exciting!

15% Bulk Sale: October 10-16th

The bulk aisle is a great way to save money and get the quantity your household needs, not what the manufacturer forces you to buy. During the month of October, the entire bulk aisle will be 15% off for Owners—load up! That being said, if you have not used a bulk aisle in past experiences it can be that aisle you may pass by because it seems too intimidating. I know when I first joined the Co-op years ago, that was the case for me. I was not used to having the option to buy in bulk and it seemed overwhelming and was just easier to pass it by. Over time, I dipped my toe in by getting a bit of granola, a few nuts, and seeds. I never realized how much I could actually save per pound and get the quantity that I truly wanted. To help make this process more accessible and less scary, our knowledgeable and friendly Owner Resource Coordinators, Katie and Amanda will guide you through our aisle and walk you through the process.

Simply Bulk Tours: 

  • WEST: Tuesday, October 11 10:30-11:00am
  • NORTH: Wednesday, October 12 2:30-3:00pm
  • EAST: Thursday, October 13 1:00-1:30pm

This discussion and tour of our bulk department gives shoppers a chance to learn the layout of the aisle and discover a little bit more about our diverse bulk offerings. It will prepare owners to shop more effectively, and they will learn some tips and tricks for saving money in this popular section of the store. Just like last month during our Eat Local tours, we ask that you sign up ahead of time at so that we know how many folks to expect, however, if you see the tour happening while you are shopping at our stores, please don’t hesitate to join in.

Double Dollars starts up again every Tuesday, October 18, 2022 through March 7, 2023 

As the Double Dollars season at the farmers’ markets winds down, it is starting up again at the Co-op! If you are a shopper using FoodShare/QUEST from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), then you qualify to participate. Double Dollars is a nutrition incentive program created to help those using FoodShare/QUEST purchase fresh, canned, or frozen fruits, vegetables, and legumes. In addition, seeds and seedlings are eligible in this program for growing edible plants. On Tuesdays from October 18 through March 7, any shopper using their FoodShare/QUEST card to purchase groceries will be eligible to receive up to $20 worth of Co-op Double Dollars vouchers. Vouchers are issued at the registers once your initial order has been completed. For every $5 you spent using FoodShare/QUEST for any FoodShare/QUEST eligible items, the Co-op will give you one $5 Double Dollar voucher, up to $20 per Tuesday. Co-op Double Dollars are redeemable any time the Co-op is open October through May while funds are available. If you have leftover Co-op Double Dollars vouchers from last year, you can start redeeming them right away on October 1. For further questions on the program, please visit our Double Dollars page.

Thank you to all our shoppers who have donated to this program by using reusable bags and/or presenting one of our handy Double Dollars scan cards to donate cash at the registers during the entire year— your thoughtfulness and concern for the community is greatly appreciated! For those who have donated, please consider reaching out to myself at if you would like to participate in a video segment produced by Marcus Slaton, the Community Action Coalition’s Double Dollars Coordinator for the Madison area. He will be coming to our stores to interview those who have contributed to this program asking why they give. These videos will primarily be used to promote additional fundraising for this program. It will be presented to potential civilian donors at fundraisers and galas, as well as politicians who control funding for programs like this. It would also be posted on Willy Street Co-op various media platforms. If you are interested in being considered for this initiative, please reach out to me by Friday, October 21—thank you!

August Owner Equity Drive: A successful endeavor—thank you!

I wanted to personally thank our Owners for participating in the equity drive we held August 15-28. When your equity is fully paid, it allows the Co-op to invest in capital initiatives and make the upgrades necessary to make your shopping experience more enjoyable and easier to navigate. You helped raise $13,918, with 295 of our existing Owners paying off their accounts in full, and 62 new Owners investing the full equity right upon sign-up. Thank you for partnering with us and making that commitment during August.