A box of Late July organic classic saltine crackersAbigail

Late July Saltines

I always like to have some sort of cracker in my pantry for those times I don’t feel like cooking, just want to munch, or am feeling under the weather. These saltines are the most delicious I’ve ever had! These go great as a companion with some cheddar cheese and/or peanut butter. Also, an awesome cracker for soups. They differ from your typical saltine in that they are organic, a bit thicker/sturdier, and round. So simple, yet so tasty!


Pasture Patterns Eggs

There are so many eggs to pick from, but this farm is an easy choice! Hens are moved through organic pasture in Mount Horeb, and are out in sunshine and fresh air (check out their website for a really nice video showing the process.) I also love that they are small-scale and committed to sustainability, and all eggs are delivered within 30 miles of the farm.


Mush Overnight Oats

A big hit over here at the Willy East location in the morning. Hearty and delicious, there’s NO sugar, the ingredients are clean, and it’s a great way to get your filling energy. So satisfying! Also, Co-op, please get the Coffee Coconut flavor! 🙂

Four Bambu food scrapersBambu Food Scraper

I had been wanting one for so long. I finally got one and I just love it and use it all the time! This is a great stocking stuffer. It’s an affordable extravagance for that less-romantic person, I’m telling you.

Vitruvian Sunflower Shoots

These have such a pleasant flavor, whether on their own or atop a salad or a grilled chicken sandwich or an omelet. I also like to eat them one at a time. They have a nice shelf life. At restaurants they will put on, like, five sprouts. At home, I like a big pile because I’m worth it! You’re worth it too.

Castelvetrano Olives

My new favorite olive, which is saying a lot. They own their spotlight. That bite! No mush, but firm. Light on the salt, they are mild and creamy. Castelvetranos are the highlight of any snack plate (warm with feta and olive oil, omg!) Better in flavor with the pits still in them, but now available here without, they are the perfect olive for Olive-Haters. I dare you to try one, Olive-Hater!

MariaB&E's Trees bourbon barrel aged maple syrup

B&E’s Trees Bourbon Barrel-Aged Maple Syrup

Aging this maple syrup in bourbon barrels elevates the flavor to the divine. It’s also notable that the owners, Bree and Eric, created an off-grid farm.


Siete Grain-Free Mexican Wedding Cookies

I was excited to see a grain-free version of one of my favorite types of cookies. The blending of almond, tapioca, and other flours with coconut oil and pecan pieces is perfect.


Deep Indian Kitchen Cilantro Pesto Naan Pizza

I like to keep a few of these in the freezer for when I need a quick lunch. They’re a great value at the price, and all of the flavors are good, but this is my favorite.


Hen of the Woods Potato Chips

The only thing bad about these chips is trying to figure out which one to buy. The Buttermilk Chive and the Everything both have complex munchie-inducing flavor profiles and usually win my money. The plain Sea Salt chips hold their own too. A great addition to your potato chip selection!

AbbyOrganic chocolate peanut butter Clif Bar

Clif Bar Nut Butter-Filled Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar

This Clif Bar satisfies my sweet tooth AND gives me energy. There’s a slight crunch to the chocolatey outside with smooth peanut butter in the middle. It is considered a low-glycemic food so you don’t have to worry about    crashing an hour later.


Inessents Lavender CBD Bath Salts

Take a break from the hubbub with a good old-fashioned soak. The combination of lavender and CBD is oh so relaxing. 


Brew Pub Lotzza Motzza Pizza

This is a very aptly-named frozen pizza—tons of delicious cheese, and it has a taste and texture that made me think exactly of a pizza you’d get at a bar. Pair with a local beer to get that bar experience safely at home!

Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patches

Back pain? Shoulder pain? Leg cramp? Tiger balm patches have helped me with these and more. I love these patches; they start working fast and keep relieving pain for hours. I definitely recommend!

Can of maple syrup candleJess

Seracon Maple Syrup Tin Candle

Handcrafted in Canada with 100% Natural Soy Wax. Each artisan wick is made of natural wood using good forestry practices. Listen to the crackling sound of a fireplace when the candle is lit.


Alba Botanica Even & Bright Cleansing Gel

This gentle facial cleansing soap is perfect for washing your face. The sea mineral-rich formula has a very light, pleasant fragrance and doesn’t dry your skin out like bar soaps. It removes impurities and improves your complexion so everyone will notice your bright clean skin when you smile. After rinsing your face first with warm water, all you need is a half -pump and a bottle lasts a long time. Massage it onto your face. Rinse, rejoice, and feel clean all day long!


Myco Shield Mushroom Immunity Spray

Mushroom Power! This little immunity-boosting spray always has my back, whether I’m feeling a bug coming on or in full-on cold mode. When I started using this I noticed my colds were shorter and it can stomp out early symptoms before they get the best of you! I highly recommend adding this to your cold fighting arsenal!”


A package of Carr Valley creama kasa cheeseCarr Valley Creama Kasa

A semi-soft, creamy, and nutty cheese that is great for snacking or dessert. Made in LaValle, Wisconsin.


Willy Street Co-op Curry Mango Chicken Salad

The best chicken salad I’ve ever had! The mango chutney along with celery and almonds is a winning combination! I love putting it on crackers for an afternoon snack and it’s also great on sandwiches.

Dustin Skelley


This odd looking vegetable is surprisingly delicious! I love to julienne the bulb really fine and mix it with roasted butternut squash; the hints of anise in the fennel really meld well with the sweetness of butternut squash.

Willy Street Co-op Ginger Tempeh Wrap

This wrap is sooooo good! It’s like a giant vegan eggroll that isn’t deep fried 🙂 Available at East and North only.

RP’s Pasta Smoked Mozzarella Tortelloni 

These tortelloni have just the right amount smoke to them. I love to use any of the RP’s tortellonis when making pasta dishes without sauce.


Rishi Teas

Package of Ski Queen gjetost cheeseThis locally prepared tea is full of flavor and they all smell amazing! My favorite changes with the season. This tea is so fresh that I find myself using less, and it can be reused for a second cup. Treat yourself; your tea mug will enjoy it too!

Gietost Ski Queen Classic

This sweet brown cheese comes from the mountains of Norway. It’s a full-bodied flavored cheese that is like creamy caramel. It is good with slices of apples, or put a little on some apple pie! Or just eat it by itself. MMMM!

Willow Creek Leaf Lard

This lard is superior to all other lards. Hands down. Use this one, always! I always have a tub in my fridge.


Equal Exchange Ginger Tea

You might think I’m crazy, but I gave up caffeine a few months ago and replaced it with this. Its spicy kick is an invigorating pick-me-up in the mornings and ginger’s medicinal properties counter any stomach ailments or nausea I might experience throughout the day—win, win!


To me, one of the best winter gifts I can receive is digging into a pomegranate to devour the beautiful, nutritious jewels inside. Full of minerals and vitamins, this is a fruit that will sustain you and bring you a bit of joy during the darkest days of winter!

Echo Falls Smoked Coho Salmon Trio

Are you looking for a treat? This product does not disappoint! With three different varieties to entice your palette, switch up the flavors on top of bagels with cream cheese, in an omelet, on crackers, etc.; eat for a week by yourself or a platter at a (socially-distanced) party!


Willy Street Co-op Bakery Pumpkin Bar

This “bar” is more like a piece of cake, and I love it for that. At the beginning of the pandemic when the Production Kitchen was closed they were sorely missed! I try to only have one a week, but sometimes it’s hard not to give in when they’re freshly stocked and so close to the check-out!


Uplands Cheese Rush Creek Reserve

Produced only in the fall, when the cow’s diet changes from summer pasture to the winter’s dry hay, the milk used for Rush Creek is very rich and produces a cheese that is almost a savory custard. Wrapping it in spruce lends a woodsy, smoky, and somewhat meaty flavor to this amazing cheese. Warm it up a little in the oven, cut off the top and grab a baguette. And get it while you still can—it’s highly seasonal.


Two Fuyu persimmonsFuyu Persimmons 

There are fruits and veggies that I have grown to enjoy more and more with each passing year; Fuyu Persimmons are on that list of those fruits. With a warm and rich caramel like flavor and a flesh that can be eaten while still crunchy or jam-like soft this is one of my favorite fall fruits. Add a little cream cheese on top of a sliced Fuyu topped with pomegranate seeds or bake it into your favorite dessert—it has an amazing versatility that I’ve grown to strongly appreciate.


Willy Street Co-op Door County Cherry Pie

This pie is made with local cherries, and it is so delicious! Great warmed up with ice cream or as is. Your taste buds will thank you for the serious flavor!