Here are the results of our October 2017 Customer Survey. Thanks to all who filled it out! Your survey responses (along with those submitted via Customer Comments, emails, our newsletter and through social media) help us make a better Cooperative. Accompanying these survey results is an article where we outline what steps we are taking due to the feedback you have provided; we hope that we address the concerns you raise and live up to your very kind praise. Note: due to rounding, not all percentages may add up to 100%.

1. How likely are you to promote Willy Street Co-op to your friends, family, or colleagues on a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is most likely and 0 is least likely?

We ask this question to determine our “Net Promoter Score.” Anyone who chose 9-10 is a “promoter.” Anyone who chose 0-6 is a “detractor.” Anyone who chose 7-8 is neutral. To get this number, we take the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors, divided by the number of respondents overall. The number can range from -100 (all detractors) to 100 (all promoters). Our score for the 2017 Customer Survey is 64, which is a significant increase from last year, when it was 42.

2. At which Willy Street Co-op store do you shop most often? a. Willy East (50%) b. Willy West (31%) c. Willy North (19%)

3. What item or items (up to three) do you purchase most often only at Willy Street Co-op, and why?

Top answers in order of frequency were: produce (including fruit and vegetables as separate answers), bulk, milk, cheese, meat, coffee, eggs and yogurt. Top reasons why in order of frequency were:organic, quality, bulk, fresh, local, price, selection and best.

4. What item or items (up to three) do you purchase most often at a different grocery store, and why?

Top answers in order of frequency were: rice, meat, milk, produce, canned foods, bread, toilet paper. Top reasons why in order of frequency were: primarily variations on price (price, cheaper, cost, expensive, afford) and selection.

5. Please place a checkmark next to the three responses that most accurately reflect how you would complete the sentence, “Because of Willy Street Co-op, ____________.” Note: checking more than three items will disqualify the response.

a. shoppers can choose more locally produced items, and local farmers and foodproducers are supported and thriving. (82%)

b. other local co-ops are supported and new co-ops are formed. (6%)

c. the community has a source of GMO-free food. (17%)

d. the community has a source of organic food. (17%)

e. people and families of all economic backgrounds have a place to buy safe and healthy food. (23%)

f. the community has access to health and food education, a meeting place, and a partner in important local events. (21%)

g. local non-profit organizations are supported through CHIP and other giving programs. (29%)

h.the community has a leader in fair and just employment practices. (14%)

i. Owners and staff are involved in advancing social justice and equity both at the Co-op and in the community. (13%)

j. the community has a means to advance environmental protection and sustainability locally. (31%)

6. Please place a checkmark next to the top two ways you prefer to receive information from and/or interact with the Board. Note: checking more than two items will disqualify the response.

a. The Reader (our newsletter) (80%) e. Social media (18%)

b. Email communication (42%) f. Website (17%)

c. Owner forums (in person) (2%) g. Store events (12%)

d. Annual Meeting and Party (7%) h. Other: (1%, includes in-store materials and phone calls)

7. What do you think of Co-op prices on a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is extremely affordable and 0 is extremely unaffordable?


9 (3%)

8 (12%)

7 (18%)

6 (15%)

5 (24%)

4 (11%)

3 (10%)

2 (4%)

1 (1%)

0 (0%)

The chart below compares the results of the answers to this question from 2016 (blue line) an 2017 (red line).

a line graph representing the affordability of Willy St Co-op prices as determined by the customer survey 2017