by Caryn Murphy, Board Member

As the days get longer and sunnier, spring always encourages us to appreciate the beauty in the world around us, and to have hope for the future. We can find many causes for optimism as we witness the cautious reconnections being made in our communities during this season of new growth and new beginnings.

Climate Change Initiative

At a recent meeting, the Co-op Board voted to join the Climate Collaborative, by pledging a public commitment to taking proactive steps that address climate change. Our Co-op has already been taking action to improve energy efficiency, reduce food waste, and reduce short-lived climate pollutant emissions. We have pledged to continue these efforts, and to explore additional possibilities as our organization moves forward. You can read more about the efforts of the Climate Collaborative at

Run for the Board

The Willy Street Co-op is seeking dedicated Owners to serve on the Board of Directors. Three seats are available in this year’s Board election cycle, and elected members serve three-year terms. The Board uses the principles of policy governance to guide the direction of the Co-op. Serving on the Board is a great way to support the cooperative grocery movement and to develop personal leadership skills. Learn more about the process and download the application packet online:

  • If you think you may be interested, and you want to learn more about the Board, attend an online orientation session (this is required of all candidates!). There are three upcoming sessions to choose from:
    • May 8, 2021, 12:30pm-2:00pm
    • May 16, 2021, 2:00pm-3:30pm
    • May 25, 2021, 6:00pm-7:30pmThe link to join a virtual session (and instructions for how to attend by phone) is available at
  • Plan to attend the Annual Meeting in July. This meeting will be held in a virtual format this year (see further in this article), but candidates are still encouraged to introduce themselves and share their goals. We will provide instructions for introducing yourself at the Annual Meeting after you submit your candidacy application.

If you have any questions about the process, or just want to chat with someone about the possibility of running for the Board, please reach out! You can contact the whole Board at, or me personally at

Virtual Annual Meeting Coming in July

The Board, along with management, has decided to host the Annual Meeting online, as a virtual event, as we did last year. The Annual Meeting—when we provide a year in review, a financial update, answer questions from attendees, and offer Board candidates the opportunity to address Co-op Owners—will still be held in July. Information regarding the time of day and how to join the virtual meeting will be provided in the Reader, on the Co-op’s website, via social media, and with information about this year’s upcoming elections. We hope that you will all attend!

It was not an easy decision to make, but the Board feels strongly that the safety of Owners takes precedence. We look forward to a time when we can encourage Co-op Owners to gather in person.