by Stephanie Ricketts, Board Member

Hello Willy Street Co-op community, Wow…what times we are in! Never did I ever think I’d be writing to all of you in the midst of a global pandemic, one that has thrown many, if not all, of our lives into disarray. I am grateful to be a part of such a vibrant and caring community in the midst of so much uncertainty. The innumerable acts of kindness, from sidewalk chalk birthday messages to Little Libraries converted into tiny food pantries, birthday car parades to record foster animals placements at the Dane County Humane Society, fill my heart. We’re all doing our best to get through this, together.

Keep On, Keeping On

Co-op management and staff continue to work hard to make shopping at the Co-op as safe as possible—check out Kirsten’s article in this Reader for more information, as well as Join me in saying a huge THANK YOU to all of these individuals, who are working incredibly hard to provide access to the nutritious food that we all rely on. Please also show your thanks by minding the various notices posted throughout the store aimed at increasing shopping safety, as well as doing your best to maintain appropriate social distancing measures (six feet apart where possible, wearing a face covering in-store, etc). Your Co-op staff and fellow shoppers appreciate it!

Attend Board Meetings Virtually

The Willy Street Co-op Board continues to meet, now in an entirely virtual manner. Owners are invited to attend these online meetings via the power of WebEx! You can find the schedule of Board meetings, along with links to the live WebEx, on the calendar, found at Meeting minutes will also be made available as usual after the Board approves them (this usually occurs at the next Board meeting, as a consent agenda item).

The next Board meeting will take place on May 19, 2020, starting at 6:30pm. To attend, please go to:

Run for the Board

Four seats will be available in this year’s Board election cycle: three seats that are opening up as part of the usual three-year cycle, and one additional one-year seat as we say farewell to Board member Trevor Bynoe. Serving on this Policy Governance Board is a great way to learn more about the cooperative grocery movement, be involved in setting high level strategic priorities for the organization, and developing personal leadership skills. Learn more about the process and download the application packet online: Packets are also available at the Owner Resources Areas at our retail locations.

The original Board Candidate information packets were published prior to the COVID-19 pandemic impacting our region. The Board has since opted to make some key changes to the nomination process this year, to reflect the importance of social distancing.

  • No endorsement signatures from other Owners will be required this year.
  • The requirement to attend a Board meeting can be met by virtually attending either of the next two Board meetings. The dates for these meetings are May 19, 2020 and June 16, 2020, starting at 6:30pm. Details of all meetings will be on the Board meeting event at
  • Orientation sessions will be held online. The full schedule and login details for these sessions are available in the Board candidate information packets downloadable from the website listed above and available at the Owner Resources Areas in store.
  • Co-op staff will not be taking candidate photographs this year. Instead, please send in a clear, high resolution (200dpi or higher) headshot with your completed application materials. Print photos can also be scanned but we cannot guarantee return of the photo.
  • The format of the Annual Meeting will change this year (see further in this article), but candidates are still encouraged to introduce themselves at the Annual Meeting. We will provide instructions for introducing yourself at the Annual Meeting after you submit your candidacy application.

If you have any questions about the process, or just want to chat with someone about the possibility of running for the Board, please reach out! You can contact the whole Board at, or me personally at

Changes to the Annual Meeting & Party

Given the continued uncertainty around how the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to impact our community, the Board, along with management, has decided to change the Annual Meeting & Party from what we have done in the past. The Annual Meeting—when we provide a year in review, a financial update, answer questions from attendees, and offer Board candidates the opportunity to address Co-op Owners—will still be held on July 9, 2020. Information regarding the time of day and how to join the virtual meeting will be provided in the Reader, on the Co-op’s website, via social media, and with information about this year’s upcoming elections. We hope that you will all attend!

It was a cheerless decision to make, but the Board feels strongly that the safety of Owners takes precedence, and has canceled the party portion of the event. Instead, the Co-op will be finding other ways to celebrate Owners in the months to come.

Hang In There

A friend texted me a song today: “On The Day We Are Together Again” by Humbird. Among the lyrics is a line that resonated as I thought of all of you out there, “We will share the table again, I’ll pass you the salt, the candle light will bend, when we eat at the same table again.” Hang in there, community. We’ll get through this together.