By: Melissa Reiss, Purchasing Assistant
March 8 marks International Women’s Day, a time to honor the achievements of women around the world. What better way to celebrate than by learning about Womenin Coffee, an inspiring initiative by Equal Exchange that uplifts women throughout the coffee supply chain—from seed to cup.
In the traditionally male-dominated coffee farming industry, land ownership by women is rare. However, cooperatives like Café Orgánico Marcala (COMSA) in Honduras and Norandino in Peru are working to change that. By empowering women in leadership roles, initiating a sexual harassment policy and response protocols, and advocating for gender equity, they ensure women receive compensation equal to their male counterparts. COMSA member and organic coffee farm owner Miriam Elizabeth Perez Zelaya describes their mission as one of solidarity, sharing, and collaboration.
Equal Exchange will be featuring a few different roasts under their Women in Coffee umbrella. This winter, we saw Ray of Light, a light roast from Peru, made possible by the dedication of women coffee producers. In the past, we’ve seen Double Shift, a light roast Colombian. Look for the Women in Coffee series logo on the bulk bin cards when you’re choosing your next brew!
Every purchase of Women in Coffee supports women at every stage of the supply chain—from farmers and buyers to quality managers and roasters—helping to build a more inclusive coffee industry. As Honduran coffee producer Joselinda Manueles puts it, it’s done “with love, with passion, and with a lot of work.”
Look for the next Women in Coffee variety in the bulk bins soon, and raise your cup to women making a difference in coffee!
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