by Kirsten Moore, Cooperative Services Director

With high vaccine and low COVID-19 case rates locally, we are seeing lots of opportunity and changes coming to the way COVID-19 is managed in our community, and the Co-op has been busy reviewing the possibilities on the horizon. Here’s the latest news.

PHMDC Ends Emergency Orders June 2

As of June 2, all Dane County public health emergency orders will expire, citing the “county’s steep decline in COVID activity, incredible progress in vaccination, and the science that shows how effective COVID vaccines are.” Public Health Madison and Dane County (PHMDC) also noted that Dane County has one of the highest vaccination rates across the U.S. At the time of writing, vaccines were abundantly available and just over 56% of County residents had completed their vaccination. All Co-op employees have been offered flexible paid and unpaid leave options to make vaccination appointments at their convenience, and have been offered the opportunity to be vaccinated by Group Health Cooperative regardless of whether employees participate in the Co-op’s healthcare plan. Employees who have voluntarily participated in our anonymous vaccine poll have indicated that the Co-op’s completed vaccinations are currently tracking at about the same rate as the County.

PHMDC also says that their emergency orders are no longer necessary because the overall public health goals of having orders have been met: preventing severe outcomes and deaths, preserving hospital capacity, and protecting the most vulnerable populations. 95% of people ages 65+ have started vaccination, and cases in both schools and congregate living communities have declined at similar rates as cases across the community, attributable to the volume of persons vaccinated.

With no emergency orders, PHMDC recommends employers follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), and PHMDC guidance to determine what protocols to lift, and what to keep in place. Even without public health orders, businesses and workplaces may continue to voluntarily implement policies for employees and customers. The Co-op has been reviewing protocols, deciding both which ones to phase out as our community returns to non-emergency conditions and when to schedule these changes.

Please Wear a Face Covering

Since PHMDC began issuing emergency orders with face covering mandates last year, both the Co-op’s face covering policy for employees, and the face covering policy for customers, business partners, and service providers have enforced their orders to the letter.

The CDC and PHMDC continue to recommend people who have not been vaccinated wear face coverings. Based on the guidance available, current statistics, and feedback from representatives from the employees’ union, UE 1186, employees will continue to be required to wear face coverings and we will also ask that customers continue to wear face coverings for the safety of everyone at the Co-op. Our requirement of employees and our ask of customers will remain until certain metrics regarding infection rates and fully vaccinated status are achieved. At the time of writing we were still considering those specific metrics. Masks are available at all three retail locations for anyone who would like one.

Keeping Your Distance

When PHMDC’s emergency orders expire June 2, maximum capacity levels will be based on building limits established by municipal code. Regardless of the Co-op’s in-store capacity, we have reviewed both pre-pandemic and current transaction counts and have determined that not only is there plenty of space to manage typical transactions without being even close to reaching capacity, but that we also will still continue to have slow hours of the day where capacity is naturally lower and more suited to social distancing. If you are not vaccinated or are interested in continuing to keep a distance from others while shopping generally, you can find out how busy our stores are currently by visiting and looking at how busy we are in real time where the store locations and phone numbers are listed. If you are planning ahead to shop, you can check our Google Business listing to find both popular and unpopular times to shop. Shopping when the Co-op is slower means you will have better luck social distancing in the store, and it will support our employees in serving you more efficiently when there are less crowds.

Practice Good Hand Hygiene

We also continue to strongly recommend that customers practice good hand hygiene while shopping regardless of vaccine status, either by washing your hands in our public restrooms, or using hand sanitizer of your own or that we provide for you at various points throughout the store. Hand hygiene is not only a good practice for COVID-19 prevention, but also for handling food and protection from other germs.

Delivery and Pickup Options Remain

Regardless of Public Health orders or our safety protocols for shopping in the store, for those of you who would rather spend less time in the grocery store, our online shopping features will remain available, including the option to ask for your delivery to be contactless, or to ask for curbside pickup. Rest assured, we continue to have options to ensure that you can get groceries and stay out of the public if you would prefer doing so. Visit to learn the delivery and pickup options available to you.

Reusable Containers

While we have permitted reusable bags at checkout and in produce for months, we have been slow to allow reusable containers in the bulk aisles and for self service coffee. For those of you who are interested in using reusable containers in these areas, we have good news: as long as your reusable container is washable, clean, and designed for reuse, you may begin using them again. Please, do not reuse single-use containers in these areas, only new single-use containers provided by the Co-op the day you shop are allowed. There are sinks available in the Bulk aisle at East and West if you need to clean your reusable container, and if you need to clean your reusable container at North, please ask at the Deli counter to have it cleaned for you. Hand sanitizer is near all bulk aisles and at the self-service coffee areas. We ask that you practice good hand hygiene whenever you shop the bulk aisle and regardless of whether you are using a container designed for reuse, or a single-use container provided by the Co-op.

A Phased Approach

June 2 will not bring all COVID-19 protocols to a halt at the Co-op, but it will bring the beginning of change, likely in phases based on safety, as well as time and labor available. We are currently focused on face coverings and capacity as they have the most impact on the other decisions we need to make. Other protocols that require review include and not limited to re-opening the indoor Commons and Community Rooms; sampling; outdoor activities; and barriers, signs, and markers related to social distancing. It will take time to adjust and as we have done in the past, we will continue to monitor changing conditions and evaluate the need to update or reinstate policies as deemed necessary by PHMDC or other regulators. We continue to be grateful to live and work in a community where COVID-19 has been taken seriously, and that our collective commitment to safety has led to this time where we can truly consider returning to non-emergency ways and activities. Thank you for your continued support!