by Ann Hoyt, Board Vice President

Among lots of uncertainty related to COVID-19 this summer, you can count on one thing. There will be an election for three members of the Board of Directors. Both electronic and paper voting will begin on July 1, 2021. Electronic voting ends at 11:59pm on July 19 and paper ballot voting ends on July 21. The primary way you, as members, control our Co-op is by electing a Board of Directors that oversees the Co-op on your behalf. Please be sure to vote for the candidates of your choice.

In the meantime, the Board would like to thank Caryn Murphy for her service as a director. She has been an outstanding director—thoughtful, careful, participatory, informed, and gracious. Thank you, Caryn, for the time you spent with us.

Motion passed

Finally, I want to share the following motion passed by the Board in March. “The Board respects the request from the Union to add a Union-specific standing item to Board meeting agendas. However, the Board does not directly intervene in organizational decision-making; the General Manager is the Board’s liaison to the Co-op’s operations. As a result, the standing item request cannot be implemented. The Board will continue to support open channels of communication between members of the Union and management through follow-up with the GM, and monitoring of Co-op policies (specifically policies B6: Staff Relations and Compensation and B7: Communications to the Board).”

Thank you for your support of our Co-op. Remember to cast your vote in this year’s Board election!