by Jeannine Bindl, Board President

Hello, Fellow Cooperators. June is here, and hopefully the warmer weather as well!

Board Elections

April and May have been busy months getting ready for the upcoming Board Director elections. Thank you to all of the Owners who will be running for the Board of Directors this year. Each candidate that you meet in next month’s Reader has gathered 20 signatures of support from fellow Co-op Owners, attended at least one Board meeting and a Board orientation, and made a diligent effort to introduce themselves in next month’s Reader.

While the rest of us will not know exactly who is running until July, there is a chance we will see them tabling outside Co-op locations. If you see one of them, pop over and say hi! They would love to talk with you.

$5 Dinner

In addition to Board candidates being out and about, your Board members will be at the $5 Dollar Dinner in June. Come enjoy some delicious food and the wonderful outdoor seating area at Willy North.

Annual Customer Survey

Our Annual Customer Survey was available last month, and hopefully you had a chance to fill it out. Last fall the Co-op started doing customer experience surveys as well. If you are selected to fill out a survey, your cashier will hand you a receipt with more information. Currently, both the annual Customer Survey and the new Customer Experience Surveys cover operational topics (how the store works, what products we carry, etc.) Next year, the Board will be revamping the annual Customer Survey to help us better represent you, the Owners. If you have questions that you think we should be asking, email us at

Policy Review

On the agenda for policy review this month is policy B1—Financial Conditions and Activities. B1 is the only policy the Board reviews quarterly. By reviewing this policy quarterly, the Board is able to closely monitor the financial health of the Co-op. The Board also has a Finance Committee made up of both Board members and Owners who take an even deeper look at the financial health of the Co-op. As I write this, we have not yet reviewed the policy, so I can’t comment on it yet. It is safe to say, however, that the Co-op is healthy, and we are grateful for your continued support.


Thank you for taking time to read the Board’s Reader article; we hope you are enjoying the beginnings of summer! Please mark your calendars for the upcoming vote for Directors, July 1–17, and our Annual Meeting & Party on July 11. If you would like to vote for Directors electronically, now is a great time to double check the email address we have on file for you. Stop at a Customer Service desk or call any location, whatever works best for you. See you at the Co-op!