Thank you for being there

Q: We have been members of the Co-op for many years now. We have always appreciated being able to buy locally grown produce and other food items. During the pandemic my family’s appreciation of the co-op staff has further increased. Your professionalism, kindness and putting in place of practices that help us stay safe are commendable …so thank you for being here for us.

A: Thanks for the kind words and gratitude! I will share it with all of our employees. Good health to you! -Liz Hawley, Education and Outreach Coordinator

Owner cards

Q: My daughter has been using my card, since she frequents the store very often. I have not been to the store in years. She has been questioned about using my card, and shopping at the co-op has become problematic for her. Can I transfer my membership to her? If so, what are the exact steps that I need to take to make this happen?

A: Thank you for reaching out about your daughter and her use of your account.

I apologize for the elements that have made for a problematic experience for your daughter. That is not our intention. Our cashiers are trained to do their best to make sure they are identifying the correct customer when beginning a transaction. Individual accounts are only to be used by the named individual so I don’t doubt that she has been questioned. We have Household accounts that can be used by people living in the same dwelling.

If you and your daughter live together, there would be a path to upgrade to a Household account and then transfer Primary Ownership to her. If that’s not the case, I would recommend her starting a new Ownership for as little as $10 at any of our stores or by signing up here:

If she were to start her own Ownership, that leaves the issue of your account. If you really don’t plan on using it going forward, the account does have $56 of equity invested which is still your property. We could close that account and refund you the $56 (this process can take up to 60 days to get you a check).

Unfortunately, there is not a way to just directly transfer the membership. We are bound to bylaws, which are set by State statutes that outline what we are allowed to do with invested equity.

Please let me know what you think. I am out of the office today, but I will be in most of next week and could prepare the paperwork needed to make the account changes you decide on.

I hope you’ve been having a great week! -Robert Halstead, Owner Records Administrator


Q: I like to buy GR organic milling 7 gr flour. When I was there Saturday there was none bagged. I wonder if it is possible to due a bulk order either a case of 4 five # bags or a 25# bag? It could be with lots of bakers out there now it is not available from GR. I see you can order it on Amazon but it is unavailable. thanks,

A: Thanks for your interest. At this time we cannot take any pre-orders or special orders for cases because of restrictive ordering limits imposed by some of our distributors due to COVID-19 related supply issues. That said, you may certainly call ahead to the Co-op the day you plan to shop and see if we have what you are looking for in stock (or ask at Customer Service when you arrive). If we have a case available, we may be able to sell it to you. East can be reached at 608-251-6776. Good health to you! -Liz Hawley, Education and Outreach Coordinator

Too Slow

Q: I was in the store today. I needed to wait in line to checkout for over 20 minutes. The health recommendations are to try not to spend more then 15 minutes in a closed store environment, if possible. I know the co-ops are know for being a less stressful, low keyed work environment but in these times your cashiers need to speed it up. The goal for safety reasons should be to get customers through the line as quickly as possible. That would also decrease the lines outside. I don’t think I’ll be going to the co op for awhile. I didn’t feel comfortable being in the store today even with a mask.

A: I apologize that you had an uncomfortable experience at the Willy North location. We are working very hard to ensure the safety of our customers and staff during this trying time. To maintain the social distancing requirement of six feet, we have closed every other register, leaving only three open. We are also trying to sanitize and clean the register areas as often as possible between transactions. This has indeed created longer lines, but I assure you that we are all moving as quickly as possible. Lines are not always as long as you experienced on Saturday, I would suggest shopping on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. We also tend to see a lot less traffic in the evening, after 6pm. I hope these suggestions are helpful, and we will continue to do what we can to ensure the safety of all. -Stacy Iruk, Front End Manager­—North

Sausage Numbers

Q: Just wondering if we can get the Northside Sausage packages to have an even number of sausages in them? I almost always see packs of three and it makes dinner logistics complicated. Preferably there would be four in a package.

A: Thanks for taking the time to write in. Our standard pack of sausages is three links because that typically ends up being approximately 1lb and fits best in the packaging (cryovac bags) that we use. We do try to put a mix of two and four packs out as well. I will make sure we start doing more of those. Of course, as soon as our service case is back open you can get the exact number you need. Until then, look for a mix of pack sizes within our sausage freezer. Thanks, Anna Gilberts, Meat and Seafood Manager—North

Thank You

Q: Thanks for all your hard work and perseverance this crazy last two months. I appreciate everyone’s heroic efforts toward keeping the Coop open, safe for employees and customers, and well stocked against formidable odds. Grocery store employees, health care workers, and others who have and will continue to keep essential services up and running deserve heaps of praise for their patience, fortitude, and mental and physical stamina during the pandemic. I’m sure many of you have weathered weeks of sleepless nights, anxiety, and bewilderment. Many thanks for waking up day after day and returning to the front lines of a once-in-a-lifetime national emergency. I can’t wait to try the new Patagonia mackeral.

A: HOLY MACKEREL!!!! I tried so hard but I couldn’t resist.

Thank you for your kind comments. We are definitely doing our best to keep all those who enter our stores safe and well-fed. I will be sure to pass along your gratitude to our staff. They are working very hard during these trying times and every bit of kindness is appreciated.

Be well and take the best care of you and yours. -gianofer fields, Owner Resources Coordinator—North

Senior Discount

Q: I haven’t been to the Coop in a few months. I didn’t think to check my receipt. I usually get a discount for being a senior. But I don’t see that reflected in my receipt today. Have you changed this policy?

A: Thank you for contacting us about your account. We do not have a senior discount exactly, but it looks like you participated in our Access Discount Program which people qualify for in numerous ways including having Medicaid, SNAP FoodShare Benefits, SSI, or SSDI income.

No matter when someone signs up for this program, we ask Owners to renew the discount and verify that they still qualify each year in the month of March. We send out emails to all accounts that have an email address on file and also mail out letters to mailing addresses in February to let people know they need to renew by March 31st or the discount will automatically turn off.

That said, renewing your discount is easy from here. I have attached the renewal form if you are able to print from home. You also can get this form at our Customer Service desk and fill it out before you starting shopping on your next trip. If you are able to work with the form I am attaching, you may scan it and send it back to me at this email address or take a good picture on your phone of both pages and send it my way. Please let me know if you have any questions including help with filling out the form. -Robert Halstead, Owner Records Administrator

Cheese Craving

A: First off, I have been loving shopping there during the COVID Mayhem. You can see a co-op employee’s smile even through a mask, and the safe and sound environment you have created is worth a million to me. Thank you!

Now, on to the fun question. I seem to be on a cheese craving kick. I wondered if you could get your cheese expert to make some recommendations based on two that I really enjoy?

Sartori BellaVitano Merlot (I also bought the basil & olive oil asiago but don’t like it as much) and the dill havarti. Both fabulous but very different. I like a salty, crunchy cheese—like an aged gouda, as well as smooth creamy cheeses like the havarti. Any ideas I should try? No rush to get back to me. Thanks and have a good week!

A: I hope this finds you well. I’m not a huge fan of cheese but this read like a cheese emergency to me. If I had the same questions about chocolate, I would want answers as soon as possible.

So, I passed your question on to the Keepers of the Cheese at our West location and they suggested… Ewephoria, an aged sheep Gouda.

Hoard’s Dairyman Belaire, a local Guernsey cow milk semi-soft cheese in the vein of a French cheese called Port Salut.

I hope you enjoy the recommendations as much as we enjoyed responding to your email. Thank you for your kind words and for sharing some fun. While it is true that we are in the midst of challenging times, we can decide to come through them with kindness and mutual respect. Thank you or your support. Take the best care. -gianofer fields, Owner Resources Coordinator—North