Willy Street Co-op is adding a new service at the retail sites very soon called Telecheck! Telecheck is the service that allows for the process of electronic check conversion.

How it Works: Check Verification

Each check that we accept is verified by First Data (our credit card merchant). Running the check through a check reader or keying the check information completes this. If it shows that there are no outstanding checks in the system, the bank issues approval and authorization numbers, which means Willy Street Co-op is guaranteed payment for that particular check.

Reasons for Implementing TeleCheck

Primarily, we are implementing this service to provide a deeper level ofinformation security for our customers. Fraud and identify theft are some of the fastest growing crimes in America. A team of TeleCheck specialists will help Willy Street Co-op confidently accept checks safely and securely. With TeleCheck, you as consumers are safeguarded from unwarranted or unlawfuluse of your checking account information. (For more information, please visit this website: How TeleCheck Works http://tinyurl.com/yc8lw92b.)

This will also be more efficient and save on labor costs since it will eliminate the need to prepare a daily check deposit for the bank, and the time spent on managing checks deemed NSF (not sufficient funds).

What to expect

In this process, your check will be used as a source of information—for the check number, account number, and the number that identifies the financial institution. The information is then used to make a one-time electronic DEBIT payment from your checking account (an electronic fund transfer). The check itself is not the method of payment. The cashier will run the check through the MICR reader (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) built into the receipt printer, and then hand the voided check back to you—along with the receipt (on request). None of our current policies will be changing regarding checks as a form of payment.

Questions or concerns?

Please send an email to info@willystreet.coop with any questions or concerns you may have about this new service. Thank you!