by Anya Firszt, General Manager

Hello January, Hello 2022. Happy New Year! A new year lies ahead, full of promise and new resolve.

Our Co-op is a resilient and resourceful organization, we have been able to figure out new and different ways to deal with challenges and setbacks. We remain focused on our commitments to move our Cooperative forward to be a more equitable place to work and shop, to provide a safe and healthy environment for everyone who enters our doors, and to supply you with groceries!

Last year and much of the year before was spent navigating a multitude of challenges related to the pandemic, and this new year with the coronavirus variants is shaping up to be much the same. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus in March 2020, we have changed services and hours of operation due to staffing limitations and safety protocols. We also expanded or launched new and different ways to help you shop; online grocery delivery and curbside pick-up options are available, as well as EatStreet orders from either Willy East or Willy West. None of this has been ideal, but we are making it work. Thank you for your continued patience and support as we settle into the new normal.

Change in Store Hours at Willy North 

We have changed the hours of operation at Willy North to 9:00am to 8:00pm. This is a temporary change due to the staffing shortages we have been experiencing at North. By reducing store hours in this manner, it is our  hope to provide some relief to staffing (fewer open hours) while maintaining consistent services.

Mid-Year Financial Update

January marks the beginning of the new calendar year and also the second half of our fiscal year. I wanted to share with you a mid-year financial update; sales for the first half of the fiscal year are tracking close to budget, transactions are under budget, but basket size is above budget. Personnel expenses are under budget due to total hours at the retail sites being under budget (under-staffed). Less than ideal staffing is a national trend—fewer workers looking for employment and those seeking jobs are generally not looking for shift work. Look for additional financial updates in future Reader publications.

Annual Report

A reminder that the FY2021 Annual Report was sent out last month to you either by printed copy or electronically. If you missed it, you can check out the report on our website here.

Wellness Wednesday

Another reminder, Wellness Wednesday, scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month, is on January 5 this month; this is your chance to stock up and save 15% on all your health and wellness purchases.

On the Horizon

We will begin contract negotiations for our second collective bargaining agreement with the UE this month. And, budget planning for our next fiscal year (FY2023) will also begin this month.

Step Up

And, finally, last fall, the Board and management team worked together with Step Up: Equity Matters to draft vision and mission statements, and identify strategic objectives that included DEI initiatives. The Board, at their December meeting, approved turning over the statements to the management team who will now develop goals and objectives to support the strategic plan. Fun, exciting, and challenging work!

I’ll leave you with a quote that I personally relate to everyday, “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.” -Albert Einstein.

All the best to you in this new year.