colored headshot of Anya Firszt

by Anya Firszt, General Manager

Hello February

Welcome February 2020, the shortest month of the year, and some might say the sweetest. This year, February has one more day than usual, making this a leap year. This extra day comes around every four years; what will you do?

This month, like every month at the Co-op, is a busy one. February has two events that some people celebrate, which are the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day. If you observe either or both, Co-op staff have been busy ordering up on tasty cheeses (vegan options too), decadent dark chocolates, dip fixin’s, and sparkling wines and juices to help you with the festivities. We will also have good-smelling lotions, oils, and candles for giving or simply enjoying yourself! Cheers!

Wellness Wednesday, February 5, is Owners’ next chance to save 10% on any of your Wellness products.

This month, on the operations side of business, we will finish the repairs at the Production Kitchen that were started at the end of last month. You may have noticed some of the new products we brought in to keep our Deli and Bakery shelves stocked while our Kitchen was closed. We’d love to hear your feedback about what products you missed and what temporary replacements should be added permanently! You can let us know via comment boxes in the Deli or at

We will also begin planning in earnest for the Annual Meeting & Party (AMP), which is scheduled for July 9, and the budgeting process for next fiscal year.

Two other items on this month’s agenda include collective bargaining and the Willy Street Co-op Bylaw listening sessions; read more below.

Collective Bargaining Negotiations

Collective bargaining continues to produce fruitful discussions between the Union and Co-op management, and each meeting moves us closer to a final contract. I am pleased to announce that we have reached a temporary agreement on the attendance policy. We have 30 days from the signing of the temporary agreement to implement, on or before February 15, 2020. This new policy will remain in effect until the full contract with the Union is negotiated, and the language will be incorporated into the final contract.

There are bargaining sessions scheduled throughout this month, and likely into next.

Willy Street Co-op Bylaws

As an Owner of the Co-op, you not only have the right to vote on any changes made to our Bylaws, it’s your responsibility. At the beginning of this fiscal year, the Board asked their Policy Committee to review the current Bylaws, and proposed changes. The Board then reviewed and finalized those proposed changes for you to consider. These proposed changes were shared in last month’s Reader and you were invited to offer input.

Additionally, the Board also decided to host several Owner Bylaw Listening Sessions, six in total, with two more sessions scheduled for this month; February 8 from 10:30am- 12:00pm at Goodwill, next to Willy North, and February 12 from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Willy West.

If you are unable to attend one of the remaining sessions, please take a moment to send your comments/concerns to us at Your feedback is encouraged and will be used to determine if any additional changes will be made to the proposed language before Owners are asked to vote on them this coming summer.

Disaster relief: GlobalGiving

Through February 15, we will be collecting donations at the registers for GlobalGiving. All money collected will be split between relief efforts for the Australian fires and the Puerto Rican earthquakes. If you’re interested in donating, please let your cashier know how much to add to your receipt.

What will you do with your extra day this month? Relax, volunteer, walk on the lake, celebrate with friends? Whatever you do, make the most of it!