Self Checkouts

Q: With voting, we give our thoughts and try to guide our ideals. I am going to ask about something in addition and wanted to clarify why I am doing so before I do this:

This is mainly as one of the goals of the co-op is to be more open to the entire community. Additionally, as technology changes, while there are changes that are difficult to make, it would be good to identify these things now, and have a game plan for the transition.

This change will cut costs, and allow for more people who are anti-social, and people who are worried about not socially fitting in, to shop more freely.

With lower costs, it can help reduce the overhead which, perhaps, could help to reduce the cost of certain food items that could encourage additional patrons.

Now, I know that this is a sensitive subject with current employees, and I must admit, I am not a word-smith, or good at this so I will state it, sorry if it appears offensive, not my wish.

I am asking for a change in how the cash registers are run. I really enjoy going to other stores that have self checkout registers. I often find myself specifically not going to the coop because this is not an option. Recently, the Jennifer St. Market got self checkouts. This was fantastic. I may purchase from them more often now, even though the quality is not quite as high. And this bothers me. I would like to have high quality and self checkouts.

Additionally, I know your employees are very sanitary, but it bothers me that someone else has to touch my food at the coop. This is not required.

That said, I have had no specific negative interactions with those who run the registers. They are very personable. The thing is, I don’t want that. I just want my food and to not have to interact with someone to get it. Do I like to interact occasionally? Yes, but I don’t like being required to. And I know several others who never like to interact and never shop at the coop.

Perhaps there is a way that you can slowly implement this. Either with a singular “less than 6 item” self checkout or a partial checkout where you can scan some of your own items, that would be fantastic.

A: Thanks for reaching out and sharing your suggestions for installing self-checkouts at each of our stores. Currently, we have plans to install and go live with a self-checkout option mid-January of next year at our West store location. Our plan is to monitor the success of this additional offering as to see if it would be wise to bring to our East and North locations as well. Those additional decisions would need to be evaluated; however, there will be this option you suggested come mid-January at West. I hope this information was helpful and I appreciate your thoughtful comment. Best, Kristina Kuhaupt, Customer Experience Manager

Co-op Reciprocity

Q; New to the area and have a membership for the Oshkosh Co-op. Does your co-op honor the Oshkosh membership?

A: Welcome to the area; we are excited you are here! Willy Street Co-op offers reciprocity of select Owner benefits to customers who belong to other grocery cooperatives. Customers who can demonstrate that they belong to another grocery cooperative when asked at the registers are eligible to receive the Owner Rewards sales that Willy Street Co-op Owners enjoy in addition to Co+op Basics and Co+op Deals sales available to all customers.

If you have further questions please feel free to reach out. Have a good day, Kristina Kuhaupt, Customer Experience Manager

Paper vs. Digital

Q: I’m contemplating signing up for the email version of the newsletter, but…..I like the option of paging through, putting down, and then coming back and picking up where I left off. Perhaps I’m showing my age here, but my brain functions differently when it comes to reading digital text vs paper text. I understand the need to limit our foot print, but having said that, I can see myself deleting the email version of the newsletter rather than having to struggle with digital text. Thank you.

A: Thank you so much for your email. I know a lot of people prefer the physical copy of the Reader, and we understand! We are hoping to reduce the number of issues we mail out, but if you prefer receiving the paper version, feel free to continue! You can also receive both email and in the mail if you’d like. The other option is to pick it up when you’re shopping rather than getting it in the mail. But, you are also welcome to continue as it has been. It’s up to you!

Thank you so much for letting us know! And I’m glad you enjoy the Reader! -Liz Wermcrantz, Editor.

Bulk Organization

Q: Any chance that the organization of bulk dry goods could be evaluated with an eye towards contamination?

For example, common use products such as kosher salt and cocoa powder are placed directly beside or beneath wheat flour products. It would be nice if sugars, salt, cocoa powder, and coconut flour were stored above or separately from allergens, though I know that bulk products are typically not recommended for people with dietary intolerances and allergies. Maybe place wheat flours alongside barley and other goods that already contain gluten?

A: Thank you for the suggestion regarding the bulk aisle. I do believe there are some changes we could make in this area to be more mindful of allergens and I will discuss this with the buyers and department manager. As you stated though, the bulk aisle is typically not recommended for people with dietary intolerances and allergies. It would be pretty challenging from a merchandising perspective (and shopping perspective) to attempt to isolate allergens. For instance, many gluten-free flours are made from another common allergen: tree nuts. In fact, I just learned the FDA classifies coconut as a tree nut when I thought it was a fairly benign fruit!

Thanks again! -Shannon Myers, Assistant Grocery Manager—West

New Board Members

Q: It would be nice to have the new board members’ profiles published again along with the election results so we can again familiarize ourselves with them. I did vote but am unsure if those I voted for won. I know their stories better than their faces.
Many thanks

A: Great idea! I’ve updated our results webpage ( so that the names have links to the candidate statements. I’ll plan to do this for the future elections as well. -Brendon Smith, Communications Director

Co-op Tours

Q: I am a co-leader of a 9th grade Girl Scout troop. We are doing a unit on food. My question is this. Would we be able to take a tour of the coop? Sort of a behind the scenes look at what goes in to ordering the food, who you decide to use as a vendor, etc. Not sure if you ever do that kind of thing. Just let me know.

A: Thanks for thinking of the Co-op! We’re not able to offer a tour of the backstock space, but we would be happy to make arrangements to talk with the troop in our Community Room. We can still cover many of the topics you listed, and we can give a tour of the retail space to point out our focus on local producers and vendors. Please let me know if you would like to get something like this scheduled. Thanks, Liz Hawley, Education and Outreach Coordinator


Q: I’m asked to chip each time at check-out. I don’t mind, and I always say yes. But I wish there was a way I could check “will chip every time,” thus eliminating the need to be asked. Just a thought.

A: Thanks for reaching out! I appreciate your feedback, and your generosity in CHIPping on such a regular basis. This feature you requested is something we have been looking into the past year because we would like to offer this ease of donating for our Owners. With our current Owner system platform it is not an available function; however, we are currently potentially pursuing new resources to make this happen for future options. Best, Kristina Kuhaupt, Customer Experience Manager