headshot of Stephanie Ricketts, board member of Willy St Co-opby Stephanie Ricketts, Board Member

Happy summer Willy Street Co-op community! Grab a popsicle and some shades, because we are finally into the hot days of Wisconsin summer. On my list for this season: canoeing on Lake Wingra, camping and hiking in state parks with friends, vegan ice cream cones at the Atwood Chocolate Shoppe, and lots of backyard potlucks. How will you enjoy this season best?

Get Ready to Vote for Your Co-op Board!

Board election materials were due on June 1, 2018, and voting for your representatives will commence on July 1, 2018 and run through July 17, 2018. Please keep an eye out for candidate information in next month’s Reader! There will be three vacancies this year, each for a three-year term.

Meet A Board Member

Speaking of Board members, we’d love if you came and said hello at one of our upcoming tabling sessions! Tell us what you love about being an Owner, ask us any governance questions you’ve been pondering, give us a hot recipe tip, or just stop by for a high five. We’d love to connect!

  • June 17, 12:00-2:00pm: Willy North
  • July 15, 12:00-2:00pm: Willy East
  • August 12, 12:00-2:00pm: Willy West

We’ll set dates for the fall later this summer and post them in a future Reader article and online. Please let us know if there are other ways you’d like to meet your Board!

Congratulations Community Reinvestment Fund Recipients!

In April, your Co-op Board got to make one of the most uplifting and exciting decisions of the year—to approve the 2018 Community Reinvestment Fund recipients! It is always humbling and amazing to learn about the organizations working to make our community a happier, tastier and more equitable place to live. This year the Co-op awarded $25,000 in awards to 10 organizations.

Learn about all of the recipients here:


Budget Season

Did you know that the Co-op’s budget follows a fiscal year (FY) that kicks off the first Monday closest to June 30. Our next fiscal year starts July 2. This means that for your Board, and the organization as a whole, it is budget season! In April the Board received an overview of the FY2018 budget process and current financial performance of the Co-op from Finance Director Paige Wickline. Now, staff and the Board are making finishing touches to the FY2019 budget in preparation for approval at this month’s meeting. Be sure to come to the July Annual Meeting and Party (AMP) for an entertaining report-out of the year in review. Curious to learn more about the this the current year’s budget? Check out the Reader article with the full budget later this year.

That’s all for now folks! I hope you are having a great June, wherever and whenever you are reading this. Thank you for perusing this report, and an even bigger THANK YOU for being a part of this Co-op! It’s an honor to be a member of your Board.

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