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Consider Serving on the Co-op Board of Directors

by Nancy Ranum, Board Member


This fall there will be three open seats on the Willy Street Coop Board of Directors.  This is an opportunity for interested, informed, and committed owners to actively contribute to the Co-op’s decision-making processes, help shape policies, and make a meaningful impact in the community.  The Board of Directors plays a critical role in ensuring the continued integrity and health of the Co-op by developing the vision and strategic planning that contribute to long-term success. 

The Board is committed to honoring the wide diversity and interests of our Owners, staff, suppliers, and community. We welcome candidates that have passion and interest in the
Co-op’s values of sustainability, local food systems, and fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment. Consider applying your lived experience, talents, skills and perspectives to promoting continued evolution and success of our Willy Street Co-op!


As the Board’s newest member, I can tell you there is a learning curve.  I came on last November. An initial orientation was provided that covered board procedures, how to navigate the IT landscape, and our organizational structure. Orientation has been on-going via policy review, board and committee involvement, and interactions with Owners, experienced board members and Co-op leadership. 

I appreciate the Co-op sponsoring my attendance at the recent Consumer Cooperative Management Association meeting presented by the University of  Wisconsin which deepened my knowledge of cooperative governance and engagement in food systems. 

It has been gratifying to apply my prior experience and become more involved over time. It is rewarding to be a part of such an established but continually evolving organization that is dedicated to cooperative principals, sustainability, food equity, fiscal responsibility, and a just workplace.

I have enjoyed collaborating with other Board members and Co-op employees.  The Board embraces growing pains and social change, welcomes creative ideas and constructive input, and values opinions. 

Specific expectations

  • The Board term is usually three years
  • Members prepare for and attend all Board meetings, usually 10-12 per year, lasting 2-3 hours. 
  • Commit 10-15 hours per month to Co-op business which includes policy review scheduled throughout the year
  • Attend Board retreats and periodic education events.
  • Serve on at least one Board Committee. 
  • Attend the Annual Membership Meeting.
  • Write at least two newsletter articles for the Reader or attend two community events to represent Willy Street Co-op.

More specific responsibilities are outlined in the Board Candidate Information Packet.


The Board Candidate Packet contains detailed information on the Co-op’s: 

  • Mission
  • Ends/Goals
  • Guiding Cooperative Principles
  • Policy Governance Model
  • Candidate Expectations, Qualifications, and Compensation
  • FAQs

Packets are available at all three Willy stores and can be found at


  1. Interested candidates are encouraged to attend a Board meeting either virtually or in person at the Willy Street Co-op Central Office, 1457 E. Washington Ave. #102, Madison. Board meetings are open to Owners. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you plan to attend. Indicate if you want a virtual invitation.
    Wednesday July 24, 6:30 pm
  2. Candidates are also encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting on October 1. Details will be published at
  3. Attend a candidate information session (required).Sessions are scheduled:
    Tuesday, July 23 at 6:00pm (Look for a venue to be announced on
    Saturday, August 17 at noon at Aubergine (across from Willy East), 1226 Williamson St., Madison
    Please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to confirm your attendance at one of these sessions 48 hours prior to the session. If none of these times work for you, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with three dates and times you are available. 
  4. Submit application materials including a candidate statement and photo (see candidate information packet) to the Board Development Committee (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) no later than August 29, 2024, 3:00pm
  5. Election polls will be open October 1–16, 2024. Results will be tallied October 16th.

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