headshot of Ann Hoyt

by Ann Hoyt, Board Vice President

Important! Owner Input Requested!

We admit it. It’s hard to get most people excited about bylaws and even harder to get them excited about bylaw revisions. Even so, bylaws are crucially important in cooperatives. They are the Owners’ directions to the Board about how they want their investments in the Co-op to be used. They speak to fundamental issues in the Co-op, like what is our purpose, what work environment we want for our employees, what are their Owner rights and responsibilities, and who can serve on the Board of Directors and how they are elected. As we reported last month, the Co-op is engaged in a significant effort to update and revise the bylaws. Suggestions for revisions appeared in the January 2020 issue of the Reader and are available online at www.willystreet.coop/images/Reader/2020/bylaws-final.pdf. In January the Board held four listening sessions for Owners to learn about and comment on the revisions. But it’s not too late! You can still learn and comment at two sessions scheduled for early February. These are scheduled for:

  • Goodwill Community Room (next to Willy North): February 8, 2020; 10:30am-12:00pm
  • Willy West: February 12, 2020; 6:00pm-7:30pm

Reflections on the Union

We are all pleased that management and the union have reached agreement on a revised attendance policy. From the beginning when the staff held the vote to unionize and then voted in favor of the union, the Board has supported their right to union representation if they choose it. We appreciate the many Owners who have written to us expressing their support for the staff and the union and want to assure staff and Owners that we have been learning how our role may change regarding staff. Note that the proposed change to Bylaw 2.2.3 reads that the Co-op [through its directors] shall strive to “Maintain the business in an open, sustainable manner that respects employees’ rights to a humane work environment their contributions to the organization’s business and community growth.”

Customer Surveys

One way the Board learns what is important to our customers is through customer surveys. As many of you know, we often ask you short questions about your shopping experience when you check out at one of our stores. In addition, in May we publish a longer Customer Survey in the Reader. The Board is currently working on the questions that will be included in the 2020 survey. Look for it in the May Reader. It is one of the best ways that you can let the Board know what’s important to you about your Co-op.

February Board Meeting

Please note: the Board will not hold a regular meeting in February. Instead we will be participating in a retreat to help prepare us for strategic planning. We expect to be learning about the future of the grocery industry both nationally and locally, thinking about how we do strategic planning and improving our generative thinking skills.


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