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Store Hours; ChowNow; & More!

by Anya Firszt, General Manager

To all of you, a warm welcome to the new year. Happy 2021! 

Last year was riddled with unprecedented challenges that tested our resilience and fortitude. I am in awe of everything we were able to accomplish together in the last 12 months, and I have every confidence that we are positioned to address any and every new wrinkle that comes our way. I look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead in the months to come. 

We remain focused on our commitments to move our cooperative forward to be a more equitable place to work and shop, to provide a safe and healthy environment for everyone who enters our doors, and to supply you with groceries!

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, we have been coming up with new ways to help you shop. For example, we now have curbside pick-up and the subscription box program, which were both new concepts that were developed because needs were not being met through conventional means; you gotta love the mother of invention. 

Below are a few updates regarding hours of operation, ordering curbside pick-up, and programs.

Willy East Store Hours 

Our hours of operation have changed a few times over the last 10 months, and again we are announcing a change to hours at Willy East. Effective January 2, 2021, Willy East will close at 8:00pm. Keep an eye out for updates by visiting our website. 

Need a break from home cooking? 

We have recently partnered with ChowNow to offer you online ordering and same day curbside pick up for lunch or dinner at all three of our locations. You can choose from a number of hot sandwiches and heat & eat meals—plus, soon we’ll be offering roasted chicken. Yum! Check it out at or by clicking the Order Online button on the homepage.

Step Up, Equity Matters 

We continue to work with Step Up by providing them with input from staff to help with their final assessment of our organization that they will use to provide us with recommendations to move us toward a more equitable place to work and shop. We expect a final report in the coming weeks and will share their findings with you then. 

Suspension of the Virtual Wellness Any Day Coupon 

We have had to make a tough decision: starting in February 2021, we will be suspending our virtual Wellness Any Day Coupon. We shifted from our longstanding Wellness Wednesday 10% discount when COVID-19 reached Dane County, and instead offered Owners the same discount any one day each month. However, without the ability to safely increase customer capacity, the program is not able to continue. You can read more about this change included in the COVID-19 Pandemic Continues to Impact the Co-op and Our Offerings article found on page 7. 

January is the last month we will offer the Wellness Any Day Coupon for the foreseeable future. I invite you to take advantage of this offer to receive a deeper discount on Health and Wellness items while you can. 

Thanks and appreciation 

I would like to recognize our staff for the incredible job they do each and every day; adjusting to frequent but necessary changes in our operation, continuing to show up to work, and doing their level best to serve you while adhering to all the COVID-19 guidelines. 

And, thank you for playing by the rules, wearing face coverings, and maintaining social distancing while you are in the store to help others stay safe. Stay warm; stay well!

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