As you may have seen, we’ve had to change some of our service department hours based on having a temporary shortage of staff members. To make it easier for customers to know what to expect, we’ve created this table. We will update it as needed, although we may need to change our hours or close a department early or all day due to call-ins that day. We are working hard to not only keep departments open, but also to be consistent in our service hours. We appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience!

Viewing this table on a phone? Try turning it sideways to view all columns.

Looking for recent reports of positive COVID-19 tests at the Co-op? You can find that information here.

Willy East

Willy North

Willy West

Store Hours




Meat Counter

closing at 7pm

currently closed

closing at 8pm

Seafood Counter

closing at 7pm

closing at 8pm

closing at 8pm

Juice & Coffee Bar

currently closed

currently closed

currently closed

Deli Counter

currently closed

currently closed

closing at 9pm

Deli Sandwich Station

currently closed

currently closed

closing at 7pm


store hours

store hours

store hours

Salad Bar

closing at 7pm

currently closed

currently closed

Hot Bar

closing at 7pm

closing at 7pm

closing at 8pm


store hours

store hours

store hours


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