Due to a temporary shortage of staff, the Willy North Juice & Coffee Bar, Salad Bar, deli service case, and sandwich station are currently closed. The store also cannot prepare EatStreet orders at this time. The Willy East Juice & Coffee Bar will also have somewhat reduced hours this month for the same reason.

Drip coffee and bottled juices are available at all three stores as usual. There are still packaged sandwiches, salads, lunchmeat, and entrees available in Willy North’s Grab & Go coolers. Willy West and Willy East are still able to prepare EatStreet orders. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Interested in working at the Co-op or know someone who is? See our employment page at https://www.willystreet.coop/employment for current job openings and benefits information.


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