Every Tuesday starting October 18, 2022 through March 7, 2023, any shopper using their FoodShare/QUEST card to purchase groceries will be eligible to receive up to $20 worth of Double Dollars vouchers.* These vouchers help purchase fresh, canned and frozen produce, and seeds and seedlings for growing edible plants.

For every $5 you spent using FoodShare/QUEST for any FoodShare/QUEST eligible items, the Co-op will give you 1 $5 Double Dollar voucher, up to $20. The vouchers can be used at any Willy Street Co-op retail location on any day October 2022 through May 2023 (as funds allow the program to continue) to purchase:

  • All items in our Produce Department
  • Canned and frozen fruit, vegetables and legumes
  • Seeds and seedlings for growing edible plants

*Funds for Double Dollars are limited, and the $20 voucher maximum is for all three stores Co-op wide, not per store. No FoodShare/QUEST benefits participant may receive more than $20 worth of Double Dollars vouchers on the same Tuesday from Willy Street Co-op. Distribution is associated with the EBT card number used for purchase. 

See more information on the Double Dollars page.


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