Thanks to all who attended the Annual Meeting! If you missed it, you can watch the video here.

Attend in-person or online!

Tuesday, October 11th, 5:00pm-8:00pm
At the Middleton Performing Arts Center, behind Middleton High School
2100 Bristol Street, Middleton (a few blocks from Willy West)

Hear the year in review and learn about the financial health of your Co-op. Co-op staff and the Board will answer questions from attendees, and the Board candidates will give their speeches. Snacks and beverages will be served starting at 5:00, and the meeting will start at 5:30pm. After the meeting (scheduled to end at 6:45pm), those interested can participate in breakout sessions where Board members can learn more about what Owners want their Co-op to be and do.

All attendees will be entered to win prizes!

Registration for attending online is required; registration for attending in person is appreciated! 


If you choose to attend virtually, we will email you the meeting link. Do you have questions that you’d like to have answered at the Annual Meeting? Please email

Agenda 2022 (English) • Agenda 2022 (Espanol)
Minutes 2021 (English) • Actas 2021 (Espanol)


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