by Brian Anderson, Board Member

Spring is the season when we start spending more time outdoors…and when we start reminding you of the opportunity to run for the Board of Directors. The Co-op depends on Owners who are dedicated to its success and who have the time and inclination to serve on the Board.

If you are interested in possibly running for the Board, you will need to attend a Board orientation session.  Attendance at an orientation session is required as a condition of candidacy.

For health reasons related to COVID-19, the sessions will be conducted remotely this year, with attendees calling in or participating online by computer or smartphone. Attendance in person will not be possible, even if you have been vaccinated.

Orientation sessions

You can choose to attend an orientation session at any of the following times:

  • May 8 from 12:30pm-2:00pm.
  • May 16 from 2:00pm-3:30pm.
  • May 25 from 6:00pm-7:30pm.

To join a session by dialing in, you should call 267-540-8194 and enter code 200-224-342#. To join on-line by computer or smartphone, you should go to the following internet site:  These details (and a link to join the session on-line) can be found at No advance registration is required.

If, after attending an orientation session, you would like to apply for the Board, you will need to complete certain steps that are described in the Board Candidate Application that you should download from the Co-op website. Those steps include submitting a photograph, providing a 50-word statement about yourself and why you are running for the Board, and answering certain standard questions. The first question is why you believe Owners should choose you to represent them. The second question is how you will use your skills and experience to further the mission and vision of the Co-op. The third question is how you think the Board can encourage and foster one of the seven International Cooperative Principles that you have selected to address.  Your submission should be received no later than June 1, so it can be published in the July Reader.

Board candidates are encouraged (but not required) to attend a Board meeting. By the time you read this article in the Reader, perhaps the only Board meeting available for you to attend will be the one scheduled for April 21 at 6:30pm.

You are also encouraged (not required) to attend the Annual Meeting in July. If you attend, you will be invited to introduce yourself and make a brief statement to the Owners about your candidacy.

Good luck with your candidacy!


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