headshot of Megan Minnick, Purchasing Director at Willy St Co-opby Megan Minnick, Purchasing Director

Most of us are concerned about climate change, and thinking about tackling it feels overwhelming. Luckily, there is a strong movement to make changes to positively impact the environment. One place to find these inspiring stories is the book Drawdown. The subtitle says it all “The most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming.”

The book covers the things you would expect­—alternative energies such as solar, wind, geothermal—and a few unexpected suggestions, such as a plant-rich diet and educating girls. They list 80 different concepts that give one hope and excitement—there is so much more we can be doing and it is thrilling. The book is at all three stores, so pick up a copy and get inspired!

Some of the suggestions in the book are aimed at consumers making choices about who they buy from.


The Climate Collaborative is a group of concerned businesses from the natural products industry working collaboratively to catalyze bold action, amplify the voice of business and promote sound policy to reverse climate change. You can find out more on their website here: climatecollaborative.com.

Here is a short list of 10 vendors we carry that are doing something about climate change (there are many more, of course!):


“As a food company, we recognize our dependence on thriving natural resources to grow the food that goes into our products every day. Agriculture is one of the biggest drivers for climate change, but it can also be one of its greatest solutions. We strive to be part of the solution and we believe the journey starts with healthy soil in organic, regenerative farming systems. Through our Climate Collaborative commitments, we’re building on our longstanding support of organic to address climate change from the ground up.” -Shauna Sadowski, Senior Manager of Sustainability at Annie’s.


Focused on making products with the best ingredients with least impact on the planet.


This supplement company makes vitamins from food (imagine that!), and they partner with organic and domestic farmers to create their products.


“How we leave the earth is our collective legacy.” -Arran Stephens. This cereal company has six key sustainability principles they follow: grow organic; become carbon neutral; zero waste; preserve water; educate; inspire and engage; give back.


“Organic India joined the Climate Collaborative as a visible way to show our longstanding commitment to environmental regeneration. We believe in promoting wellness not just for our customers, but for everyone on the planet, and for our global ecosystem. #togetherwewill reduce atmospheric carbon levels and restore the health of our global ecosystem, for ourselves and future generations.” -Kyle Garner, CEO, Organic India USA


“Our current political climate requires businesses to step up and work for the changes we
know are necessary.” -George L. Siemon, CEO, Organic Valley. Not only are there cows on their farms, they also are working towards Carbon Farming.


“REBBL is built upon the principle that humanity and the natural world have vital interconnections. We were founded to create a future without human trafficking by addressing its root causes, and one of the biggest causes is climate change. Through the Climate Collaborative, we are inspired and supported in driving collective industry-wide action to reverse these effects.” -Sheryl O’Loughlin, CEO, and Dani Dhanoa, Sourcing and Impact Manager, REBBL.


By purchasing a U-Konserve product, you not only are purchasing a reusable food container, which in itself is a great step, you are also contributing to their 1% for the Planet—a non-profit that gives money to vetted, trusted nonprofits that work to benefit the environment.


A Native owned business that promotes returning buffalo to the Great Plains. Buffalo ranching is less destructive to the environment than cattle and actually help to restore plants and grasses, sequestering carbon.


Passionate about organics. All of their products are certified organic by ECOCERT ICO and USDA. It takes 2,000 pounds of lavender to make one gallon of lavender essential oil. Essential oils require a huge amount of land mass.

This is just a quick list; there are so many companies doing good work. Support them!


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