Up to 3,000 Willy Street Co-op Owners will be able to get half-priced meals and beverages (with or without alcohol) during a three-hour span at one of three community festivals near our stores:
- La FĂȘte de Marquette (Owner perk valid: Thursday, July 11, 4pm-7pm; also, the first 100 Owners with Passes who stop at our tent during this time range get a free gift bag!)
- Good Neighbor Festival (Owner perk valid: Saturday, Aug. 24, 2:30pm-5:30pm at most food/beverage vendors; also, the first100 Owners with Passes who stop at our tent during this time range get a free gift bag! Rain date: Sunday, August 25, 1:30pm-4:30pm)
- Northside Festival at Mallards stadium (Owner perk valid: Saturday, Sept 7, 11am-2pm; the first100 Owners with Passes who stop at our tent during this time range get a free gift bag!)
We will be giving away up to 1,000 Festival Perks Passes per festival; Owners with the Passes can display them when purchasing food or beverages and only be charged half-price during the three-hour timeframe. Passes may be used to purchase up to four half-priced food items or beverages at one time so that caregivers can get food and beverages for themselves and dependents.
How do I get my Festival Perks Pass?
Stop at the Willy Street Co-op store that corresponds to the festival starting on the date listed below:
- Pass for La FĂȘte de Marquette: distributed at Willy East starting on Monday, July 1 at 10am.
- Pass for Good Neighbor Festival: distributed at Willy West starting on Monday, August 12 at 10am.
- Pass for Northside Festival: distributed at Willy North starting on Monday, August 26 at 10am.
Festival Perks Passes are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. Each Pass is good for the one festival with which it is associated – for example, the one distributed at Willy East is only valid at Fete de Marquette. Owners with an individual Ownership account may receive a total of one Pass for this year; Owners with a household account may receive a total of two Passes (for the same festival) for this year if they wish. Festival Perks Passes are non-transferable.
After each festival, the store at which we distributed the Passes will have a box to collect any lanyards (used to display the Pass) that you would like to have recycled!