July 1st usually marks the first day to vote for your Board of Directors. This year we have three open seats and three candidates running for the Board. We will not have an election for the Board of Directors this year because it would be an uncontested election and there is no legal obligation to do so. We have decided instead to reinvest the labor and expense costs of an election back into the Co-op. Candidate statements and photos will be in the July issue of the Reader as usual so you can see who will be serving on the Board of Directors, and they will be seated on August 20th. A huge thank you and congratulations to these Owners for representing the Co-op.

As the number of candidates for the board fluctuates widely year-to-year we are not sure whether this is a fluke or if there was a reason for the lower turnout. That said, we can only recall one other time that we’ve had an uncontested election, and that was in the 1980s. Your Board has already started to dig into this uncharacteristically low turnout of Board candidates. In the coming months we will be reporting our findings and what we will be doing to increase candidate turnout next year. As always, if you have questions about this or any other governance issue, please email us. To reach Board members only, email us at board@willystreet.coop; to reach our General Manager, many of the General Management Team, and your Board, email us at allboard@willystreet.coop.