by Anya Firszt, General Manager

Welcome to the other bookend month of summer—August

Who knew that selling groceries during a pandemic could ever seem normal, but we seem to have settled into a routine that is working. Staff and customers continue to do their part to support a healthy and safe place to work and shop. We are wearing masks, practicing social distancing, limiting customer counts, figuring out ways to safely reuse shopping bags. We are providing curbside pick up and subscription box orders. We are changing the production and packaging of items to fill the void left when some of our departments have had to close down or where product is unavailable. We have had to get comfortable with making changes, and I expect there will be more to change in the coming weeks and months. Stay tuned.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion—next steps

Willy Street Co-op announced late last month that we have entered into a three-year contract with Step Up: Equity Matters as a continuation of our ongoing commitment to identifying and eliminating systemic racism in the workplace.

Step Up: Equity Matters is a local company that will work to provide us a framework for positive change. Over the next three years Step Up: Equity Matters will work with Willy Street Co-op staff and the Board to build equity capabilities by:

  • Conducting an organizational equity assessment
  • Developing a strategic plan to prioritize equity initiatives across the following domains: 1) leadership and governance 2) talent 3) customer, Owner, and community relationships 4) branding and marketing 5) vendors and suppliers
  • Supporting the Co-op during strategic plan implementation with a focus on equitable engagement and outcomes
  • Designing an experiential training program that focuses on recognizing, owning, and disrupting biases individually and organizationally

To learn more about Step Up: Equity Matters, visit their website:

Again, let me say I am personally motivated to address our shortcomings in terms of racism, equity, diversity, and inclusion at the Co-op, and I want to thank those of you who have recently reached out with your concerns. Stay tuned for progress updates as we move forward with our work.

2020 Ballot results

Last month, Owners were invited to cast a ballot to elect Board Members and decide on proposed changes to the Co-op’s Bylaws. Thank you to all 2,653 Owners for voting and for exercising your rights as Owners.

We have four newly elected representatives to the Board of Directors! Congratulations to Ashwini Rao, Brian Anderson, Jeannine Bindl, and Caryn Murphy. At the August Board meeting, the Board members will determine who will serve on governance committees and as Board Officers.

I would like to recognise Trevor Bynoe, outgoing Board member for his two years of valuable service to the Board. Thank you, Trevor.

Owners voted overwhelmingly in favor of amending the Co-op’s Bylaws. Last August, the Board initiated a review process of our Bylaws. The Board’s Policy Committee proposed changes to the Bylaws that were reviewed by the Board before sharing with Owners for their input. Owner input was collected via email or given by Owners at one of the seven in-person sessions. The Board took those comments and concerns under consideration, and revised the proposed bylaws accordingly. Those proposed changes were passed, with 2,469 votes in favor and 62 against.

Again, thank you for exercising your Owner rights and participating in the 2020 Board election and Owner referendum.

Store Hours

  • Willy East and Willy West 8:00am-8:00pm; Willy North 9:00am-8:00pm. Hours earlier than 10:00am are reserved for seniors and those with compromised immune systems to shop.
  • Labor Day Hours: September 7 All stores open from 8:00am-6:30pm

August has traditionally marked the end of summer vacation for most students as well as those dedicated teachers and administrators working for the school system. This August is no exception. Before the new and likely very different school year begins, soak up as much fun as you can!

Until next month, stay healthy.