by Sarah Larson, Board Member

Every August the Board transitions to a new iteration of itself, focused on serving our Owners. And each iteration contributes something unique and valuable to the fabric and governance of our Co-op. This year we welcome two new Board members and one returning member: Tatiana Dennis, Michael Chronister, and Carol Weidel. Outgoing Board members this year include: Stephanie Rickets and Caryn Murphy. Thank you Stephanie and Caryn for your service!

As always, we like to kick off our fiscal year by further introducing our newest Board members to you. This month I had the pleasure of interviewing Tatiana.

Board Development Committee

Before we meet Tatiana, the Board has one announcement to share. The Board Development Committee is actively seeking new members. Do you have experience with being on a Board? With board education, event planning, or marketing/outreach? Perhaps you have political experience or have had to help with recruitment? This is a great opportunity to bring your ideas on how the Board can best engage with Owners and inspire new Board recruits! To indicate interest in serving on this (or any) committee, please email the Board Development Committee at and tell us about why you’re interested and any relevant experience or skills you may have.

Meet the Board: Tatiana Dennis

What was your first memory of Willy Street Co-op?

Tatiana Dennis (TD): I have been going to Willy Street since I was a babe, I grew up on Willy Street. I remember running around trying ginger chews and dark chocolate peanut cups and my mom was off buying vegetables. We would get to the cash register and I would say our Owner number. I remember saying my Owner number and feeling like I belonged.

How did you first learn about cooperatives, and what was the first co-op you joined?

The first co-op I joined was Summit Credit Union. My mom set me up with them too. Madison is so beautifully built on co-ops, and these co-ops are embedded in our communities. I love seeing my bank and Co-op webbed all over the community. It creates a beautiful feeling of connectivity.

How would you describe the Co-op to someone who has never been/a potential new Owner?

The Co-op is a place you can go if you want to eat healthy and you want the food to taste good, all while building community and helping you be a part of something bigger than yourself.

For me, it is a “quick healthy.” I am busy and I know I can go in on a Sunday night and that I can get everything I need. I know what I purchase will taste good and feel good and know that I can rely on the Co-op for those moments.

What are your top three favorite Willy Street Co-op foods?

This a tough one. They are always changing. When I go to the Co-op, the first place I go is to the fresh juices (mmm, carrot, pineapple, green goddess); then there’s the mini wine selection that is organic and that is not too expensive. I am pretty busy with a full-time job, teaching yoga, and now serving on the Board, so I move onto the homemade tamale section. I also love the granola and candies at checkout.

Do you have any favorite food traditions? 

I love bringing a bunch of friends over to my house in the evening and having drinks together and making food together at 10:00pm. Then bringing all that food outside and eating dinner and playing music. And having that be the party. It’s almost like bringing the Co-op home.

Besides being a Willy Street Co-op Board member, what else do you like to do with your time?

I like to build communities all over the world in my spare time. I don’t like to go on a one-week vacation; I like to go somewhere for a month and say I lived there. I also like biking, yoga, reading (when I get a chance to), being with my friends, long car rides, and finding thrift stores and coffee shops.

What are you most excited about in being a new Board member, and what do you see as the biggest opportunities and challenges the Co-op will face over the next few years?

I really want us to be more inclusive. I want the Co-op to feel like a comfortable space for everyone and for any individual to be able to say “this place is for me.”

Is there anything else you’d like our Owners to know?

I want them to know they are in good hands. The Board really cares about the Co-op. It is really obvious in their meetings, emails, and everything that they do.

It is a pleasure and an honor to serve on your Board of Directors. If you would like to reach out with questions, ideas or just to say hello, you can email us at