by Anya Firszt, General Manager

Hello April; Hello dear Owners.

April brings the start of our last quarter of the fiscal year, the hope of local watercress, ramps, and spinach in the produce aisle, and all sorts of gardening supplies for you to buy. From plant starts to seed starting supplies to gardening gloves and watering cans, we have a wide selection of items to help your garden grow. Come in and check it out.

April also brings the 52nd annual Earth Day celebration that was started back in 1970 by Wisconsin’s very own Gaylord Nelson. What will you do this year to invest in our planet? You might consider reducing the number of single-use items you use; for example, shift to using reusable shopping bags, stainless steel straws, washable to-go utensils, and refillable water bottles. Another shift could be buying in bulk or local food and products whenever possible. You can make a difference!

Earth Day Celebration 

You have a whole week of savings to celebrate Earth Day this year! All bulk products (except kombucha) will be on sale April 18-24, making this an ideal opportunity to replenish your pantry. Owners who use a reusable bag during that week will automatically be entered to win a $25 gift card. See details on page 14!

Earth-Friendly Update 

In 2016, the Co-op partnered with Legacy Solar Wisconsin Cooperative to install 212 LED lamps and 90 solar panels at our east location. We provided the roof-top; Legacy Solar Co-op provided the technical assistance and tax financing; Full Spectrum Solar installed the panels. This energy efficiency and renewable energy project has saved over 200,000 kilowatt-hours and over 120 metric tons of carbon emissions so far. And, this month the Co-op purchased the array outright from the tax sponsor and bondholders. Not one LED lamp has needed replacing yet, and there are still 19 years of warranty on the solar panels. It has already been a good investment and proves to get even better as time goes on.

Collective Bargaining Agreement

We are pleased to have negotiated our second contract with UE 1186. The new contract, effective March 16, offers additional benefits and wages for our hourly employees while being mindful of our fiscal responsibility for our Owners and the Co-op’s long-term success. The new contract increases the minimum starting pay to $15 per hour and raises all wages of hourly employees 20% over the two-year term of the contract.

Fond Farewell

Megan Minnick, Purchasing Director, has resigned her position at the Co-op to focus on her family and writing. Megan worked for the Co-op for a total of nearly 15 years. In her time at the Co-op, she first worked in the East produce department, then as the East Deli Manager, the West Produce Manager, and finally settling into the role of Purchasing Director for the last 8-plus years.

We have Megan to thank for bringing the best local and organic food to our Co-op, farmer contracts, Retail Ready Labs, subscription boxes, and the “Word on the Beet” produce email to name a few things. (We’ll still offer the produce email! See if you’d like to sign up for it.) We are a better organization because of her many talents, expertise, and years of service. All the best to her in her future endeavors.

On the Horizon

Budget planning for the coming fiscal year (FY23) is well-underway and we are about half-way through the process. Our Finance Committee will have an opportunity to review and provide input on the budget in mid-May before recommending approval to the Board of Directors at their June meeting.

Reminder to you that our Annual Meeting is moving from July to October this year along with the annual Board elections. Stay tuned for announcements regarding Board elections, candidate statement deadlines, and balloting dates.

Neighborhood Festivals Are Back! 

Returning in 2022 live and in-person are some of our favorite neighborhood festivals! Starting off with the Marquette Waterfront Festival June 11-12; La Fête de Marquette July 14-17; Atwood Fest July 30-31, Orton Park Festival August 25-28; Middleton Good Neighbor Festival August 26-28, Sessions at McPike Park August 12-14, 18-19, and August 31 and September 1, and finally the Willy Street Fair September 18-19. I, for one, am looking forward to live outdoor music and merriment! Stay safe, stay healthy.