by Anya Firszt, General Manager

Hello September!

It is that time again when going back to school is at the forefront for many parents, guardians and students! There is no shortage of back to school lunch staples and after school treats at our stores—check it out!

We are mid-way through the first quarter of the new fiscal year. We are in the process of closing the last fiscal year, and have received a draft audit report from our auditors that will be shared first with the Willy Street Co-op Finance Committee this month and then forwarded to the Board for their review.

Additionally, we are managing retail operations and diving into this year’s capital improvement projects. We will be upgrading each store with new energy efficient refrigeration units and the installation of the new mural at Willy North (more about that below). Behind the scenes, the new office space at Willy North will be ready for use, which includes a staff bathroom!

Union organizing

The Co-op received notification on August 14 , 2019 from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) that the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America (UE) filed a petition for an election to become certified representatives for the employees of Willy Street Co-op.

As we posted on our website and Facebook on August 12, Willy Street Co-op strives to be a welcoming and supportive workplace, interested in the growth and potential of each employee and the community we serve. We are aware that a number of Co-op employees may be interested in seeking union representation and labor organization support. Our management team and the Board of Directors respect the right of our staff to consider this issue and to make an informed decision. We endeavor to operate in compliance with all labor and employment laws, as well as with the rules outlined by the National Labor Relations Board in these matters.

I will share any further developments on the staff unionizing effort with Owners via our website, social media, and newsletter.

Online shopping and delivery from Willy Street Co-op

Have you checked out our newest program to better service customers?

Shopping online for store pick up or home delivery is now available, you can find out what’s in store for you here:

Special store hours this month

  • Labor Day, Monday, September 2, 2019: Stores close at 7:30pm.

On the horizon

October is Co-op Month! Throughout Owner Appreciation Week, October 7-13, we will be celebrating our 45th birthday, and we will be offering great Owner-only sales, our Board members will be serving cake, you will have the chance to win great prizes at each store, you can try product product samples, and more. At Willy West, we plan to have the world’s largest (we’re even looking into third-party verification) display of Fair Trade fruit. Stay tuned for which fruit we choose to highlight. These products will be offered at a discount to Owners at all of our stores.

On October 13 at 12:00pm, we will dedicate the new mural at Willy North. This is an exciting project done in collaboration with Dane Arts Mural Arts.

And, as a final reminder the Fall Equinox is September 23.

Until next month…