by Brian L. Anderson, Board Member


It’s springtime! That means our thoughts turn to outdoor activities. And, of course, to the annual election of Directors to the Willy Street Co-op Board. If you have time and interest, please consider running for a Director position.

The board has nine Directors. This year, three positions will be open for election. Each will be for a three-year term.

Board Diversity

One of the strengths of the Board is the diversity of its Directors. Each Director brings a skill, knowledge, or background that differs from what the other directors bring.

I was motivated to run for the Board because I’m a business attorney who strongly supports the cooperative form of doing business. Cooperatives are democratic organizations that respond to their member-owners through the Board election process and otherwise. Each owner gets one vote. No owner benefits at the expense of others.

Cooperatives are also community-based businesses that are not just about the owners. The global ends policy adopted by the Willy Street Co-op Board says it well: “Willy Street Grocery Co-op will be at the forefront of a cooperative and just society that: has a robust local economy built around equitable relationships; nourishes and enriches our community and environment; and has a culture of respect, generosity, and authenticity.”

Board Responsibilities

Serving on the Board is a rewarding experience. As explained by Director Stephanie Ricketts in the March 2019 Reader, the Board follows a governance model called policy governance. Under that model, the Board sets policies for itself and the General Manager and monitors compliance. The General Manager, not the Board, has the day-to-day responsibility of managing the Co-op.

Candidate Information

Anyone is welcome to attend a Board meeting. In fact, if you wish to be a candidate for election to the Board, you are required to attend at least one. Board meetings are generally held at the Willy Street Co-op Central Office (1457 E. Washington Ave.) on the third Tuesday of each month starting at 6:30pm.

If you wish to be a candidate, you must also attend a candidate orientation session at which you will learn more about the duties and responsibilities of Board members. To make it easy for you to attend, candidate orientation sessions will be scheduled at different times and at least once at each Willy Street Co-op store.

Applications for Board candidates are due June 3, 2019. The election itself will take place during the first three weeks of July. Each candidate will be invited to address Owners during the business meeting part of the Annual Meeting & Party (AMP) on July 11, 2019.

Board candidate applications and information about candidate orientation session dates will be available in each store. If you have questions or need more information on how to run for the Board, contact the Board administrator, Ben Becker. His email address is