
Learn about policies and procedures affecting all of our Willy Street Co-op locations, including recalls, returns and refunds, grounds policies, and more.

Inclusive Environment Policy

At Willy Street Co-op, we strive to create and maintain an environment to shop, work, or gather that promotes respect and safety for our staff, customers, vendors, and community members. To this end, we have established the following policy regarding our expectations of customer behavior:

Respect for All Individuals: We expect all customers to treat fellow customers, staff members, and vendors with courtesy, dignity, and respect, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic. Discrimination, harassment, threat, or any form of offensive behavior, imagery, or language in person, via electronic communications or online, or in the community, will not be tolerated. We believe in fostering an environment that embraces diversity and we actively work toward creating safe spaces for people with marginalized identities, especially those at the intersection of multiple marginalized identities.

Personal Space and Boundaries: We expect all customers to respect personal space and boundaries of others. Physical contact, unless consented or necessary, should be avoided. We expect everyone to maintain a comfortable distance and to refrain from any behavior that may make others feel unsafe, including unwelcome sexual advances, inappropriate identity-based comments or inquiries, or creating an unsafe situation or conversation that harms or has high potential to harm the physical, mental, and/or emotional well-being of a person in an irreparable way.

Respect for Property: We expect all customers to treat Co-op property and product with respect. Theft, vandalism, and other deliberate damage to property or product will not be tolerated.

Policy Compliance: We reserve the right to take appropriate action to ensure the well-being and safety of our customers, staff, vendors, and community members. Failure to comply with this policy, including inciting others to violate the policy, will not be tolerated and may result in a range of actions. These actions may include: verbal warnings, requests to modify behavior, temporary suspension of service, or, in extreme or repeated cases, may result in termination of employment, ownership, and/or vendorship status, and banning from the premises.

Our Commitment to Customers

Our staff and board members commit to adhering to the above expectations to proactively foster and maintain an inclusive and equitable environment. Additionally, we endeavor to continuously review and improve our policies, procedures, and training programs to ensure that they align with our commitment to inclusivity. We actively seek feedback from our customers and leverage it to refine our approach and address any potential barriers to accessibility or discrimination.


Returns and Refunds


Customers may return items* for any reason within 90 days of purchase with a receipt.**

Refunds are returned to the original tender used for the purchase, or if preferred, as store credit in the form of a gift card. If returned items were purchased using EBT, by law, the refund must be put back on the EBT card. Items purchased with Double Dollar vouchers may be exchanged for a similar product or refunded to a gift card.

*Per Wisconsin statutes, we cannot accept returns of alcohol or Class II medical devices such as menstrual cups.

**Products purchased using WIC cannot be returned or exchanged except in the case of defective, expired, or recalled products.

Class Refunds
Registration for classes that Willy Street Co-op cancels will be refunded in full. Individuals who wish to cancel their registration for classes must contact Customer Service with 72 hours notice to receive a full refund. No refunds will be given for cancellations within 72 hours of a class. In order to cover costs incurred, there are absolutely no exceptions to the Refund Policy. For classes at Willy East, contact (608) 251-6776. For classes at Willy West, contact (608) 284-7800. For classes at Willy North, contact (608) 471-4422.


Coupons and Discounts


Original coupons (no copies) are accepted prior to the expiration date, contingent upon purchases meeting the coupon usage requirements. All written rules on coupons are followed. No cash back is given.

Valid internet coupons (including expiration date, scannable barcode, and retailer mailing address for redemption) are accepted.

We do not accept: multiple manufacturer’s coupons on the same item, multiple store coupons on the same item, “Free” coupon on items that are currently priced “buy one get one free,” internet coupons for free items.

We reserve the right to refuse any coupon for any reason.

Forgotten Coupon Policy

Coupons are retroactively honored if they were not correctly applied to a transaction for same day transactions only. Product or valid receipt must be presented for verification.


Bicycle Benefits Discount Policy

The Co-op offers 5% off purchases made Monday-Friday if a customer has biked to the store and presents a helmet with a valid Bicycle Benefits sticker at the register.

Forgotten discounts will be honored if not correctly applied at the register. Helmet with Bicycle Benefits sticker must be shown for verification. For same day transactions only.

Retroactive Access Discount Policy

Retroactive discounts are only given in the case that an Owner was rung up under an incorrect Owner number or for Owners who check out before signing up for the Access discount. For same day transactions only.

Wellness Wednesday Returns/Exchanges

Refunds are given on the purchase price of an item. Wellness Wednesday discount cannot be retroactively applied on replacement products. Even exchanges can be made due to issues with product quality.



It is our policy to contact Owners that have purchased recalled product within the past 30 days, (except in situations where the recall period is less than 30 days). Even if we did not contact you, you can still come in to the store and receive full credit at the Customer Service desk.


Community Policies

Posting Boards

The views expressed by community members posting on this board are solely their own and do not represent the views of Willy Street Co-op.


The community posting boards at Willy Street Co-op are primarily used as resources for the benefit of our communities. The boards provide a place for citizens and community groups to post fliers and posters to advertise upcoming events, items for sale or trade, services, etc. Their use corresponds with our Global Ends Policy to nourish and enrich our community and environment.


At Willy East, the community posting board is located in the foyer near the free magazines and newspapers.There is a separate rack on the shelf below the board for businesses’ brochures and other outreach materials.

At Willy North, the community posting board is located in the foyer near the doors closest to the Lakeview Public Library. There is a separate shelf on the opposite end of the foyer for businesses’ brochures and other outreach materials.

At Willy West, the community posting board is outside the Community Room at the end of the hallway. There are shelves below for businesses’ brochures and other outreach materials.


Each posting must meet the following criteria:

  1. The posting date must be written in the corner of the poster/flier (event dates do not meet this requirement).
  2. Only one poster/flier may be posted per organization per event.
  3. Poster/flier cannot depict slogans or images denoting profanity, hate speech, or sexually explicit content.
  4. Please place business cards in the business card binder and pamphlets and postcards in the racks provided.
  5. Posters/fliers will be left on the board for one month. Co-op Services staff and Managers on Duty maintain this board, and remove posters/fliers after they have been up for one month.
  6. If a poster/flier does not meet the Co-op’s posting criteria, it is subject to removal.

Willy Street Co-op reserves the right to remove any and all materials from our property for any reason.

Disaster Relief

Willy Street Co-op has an agreement with Community Shares of Wisconsin that the Community CHIP program is the primary year-round benefactor of the Co-op’s registercampaigns. Register campaigns are defined as charitable causes that cashiers ask customers to contribute to at checkout. Occasionally, and for not longer than six-weeks per campaign, the Co-op will request that Community CHIP share register campaign time with other Local causes or to assist with global natural disaster relief. The Co-op will not conduct more than two register campaigns at one time.

In the event of a natural disaster, the Co-op will support other groups in need of assistance when possible. For special Local fundraising, we will do our best to support 501( c )3 nonprofits, 170( c )(1) government entities, or Wis. Chapter 185 cooperative groups that are outside of Community Shares of Wisconsin if the fundraising aide requested is designed to support the general public and addresses specific issues that relate directly to our mission or ends.

All requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The Co-op refrains from fundraising for individuals. Co-op management reserves the right to accept or deny any request for any reason as well as to determine the type, amount and channel by which to deliver assistance with a preference for making as direct a donation to the end-users as possible.


Donations Budget Policy and Principles

The primary purpose of Willy Street Co-op’s donations is to provide Co-op food and/or merchandise to local nonprofits that are working to improve our community. A secondary purpose of the program is to make Co-op funds available to not-for-profit groups for special projects and fundraising efforts. We recognize the support role the Co-op can play to encourage and foster neighborhood development.

The donations budget is administered by the Customer Experience Manager and is renewed annually on our July—June Fiscal Year. Funds for donations are capped quarterly to ensure funding is available throughout the year.


Groups making requests must be nondiscriminatory. Any form of discrimination based on age, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, veteran status, disability, or any other category protected by state or federal law is contrary to the principles and policies of Willy Street Co-op.

Priority is given to the following groups: 501( c ) 3 charitable organizations, 170( c )(1) government entities (such as public schools), and cooperative businesses.

Donations are generally considered on a first come, first served basis. When multiple groups request contributions during the same period, priority is given to those who demonstrate a greater need.

Groups involved with multiple events and projects are strongly encouraged to request a lump-sum for all of the events and projects to occur from July to June. Priority is given to organizations who have not already received funding from the Co-op within a given fiscal year.

The Co-op supports fundraising, development, and educational projects or events that are consistent with the Co-op’s bylaws, ends policies, and goals. Priority is given to projects and events that benefit the public, though private events that also benefit the community may also be supported.

Disqualified Requests
Organizations who engage with animals as part of achieving their mission must adopt a policy of humane animal treatment. The Co-op refrains from funding organizations that use animals for the purposes of product testing or other research.

The Co-op refrains from fundraising for or contributing to third-party charitable efforts and/or individuals.

Requests must be made at least three weeks prior to funding.

Requests shall be accepted via the Co-op’s online donation form only, with any supplementary materials uploaded as PDF, DOC, DOCX (maximum file size 1.5MB).

Please visit Donation request page to make a request.

Global Ends

The Williamson Street Grocery Co-op is, and will remain, an economically viable and environmentally sound business cooperatively owned by its owners; its primary mission, as expressed in article 1.1 of our Bylaws, is to operate a retail grocery store that forms a cornerstone of a vibrant community.

To evaluate progress towards these ends, the Board shall monitor whether;

Policy A:

Willy Street Grocery Co-op will be at the forefront of a cooperative and just society that:

  • has a robust local economy built around equitable relationships;
  • nourishes and enriches our community and environment; and
  • has a culture of respect, generosity, and authenticity.

These policies statements shall be reviewed at each board meeting, and the GM shall provide a monitoring report in February.

Adopted by action of the Williamson Street Grocery Co-op Board of Directors on October 12, 2002.
Amended by action of the Williamson Street Grocery Co-op Board of Directors on February 8, 2003.
Amended by action of the Williamson Street Grocery Co-op Board of Directors on April 4, 2005.
Amended by action of the Williamson Street Grocery Co-op Board of Directors on January 17, 2012
Amended by action of the Williamson Street Grocery Co-op Board of Directors on November 15, 2015

Nonprofit Collection Drives

Posted 11/30/2016 (Subject to change)

In addition to accepting food donations for our neighborhood food pantry partners year-round, Willy Street Co-op supports providing opportunities for nonpartisan and secular 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations to collect non-food related items for the community they serve in a designated area within our store foyers. Organizations that are interested in collecting food for a specific cause may refer to our Tabling Policy and consider scheduling time to table at the Co-op. Organizations must be nondiscriminatory. Any form of discrimination based on age, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, veteran status, disability, or any other category protected by state or federal law is contrary to the principles and policies of Willy Street Co-op.

Eligible organizations are required to provide the following information in order to organize a collection drive on Co-op property:

  • The specific dates for the drive including when the receptacle will be dropped off and picked up (approval is dependent upon the dates working for the Co-op). Drives may last a minimum of three weeks and a maximum of six weeks.
  • The receptacle (must be no larger than 24”w x 24”d x 42”h)
  • A specific contact person who will
    • Set a regular schedule (minimum weekly) for checking the receptacle and clearing it.
    • Provide a phone number and email address to notify when the receptacle is full.
    • Make sure the receptacle is promptly emptied if we call to notify that the receptacle is full (we do not have any space for overflow)
  • Any talking points for social media or customer service about the drive and any signage. Please supply suggested wording a minimum of seven days prior to the event. The receptacle must be clearly marked and signage should be letter-size to 11×17, have a headline that can be read from 10′ away, and specifically list the benefiting organization, how the items will be used, and what age groups will benefit from the supplies collected.

Willy Street Co-op will provide:

  • Space for the receptacle in store foyers at participating locations
  • Posting to social media that there is a drive and that we are a drop off site
  • Information to your designated contact about the status of the receptacle
  • Customer Service assistance in answering questions about your drive

We do not allow collection drives to occur back-to-back, there must be at least two weeks between drives. Space availability is contingent upon other Co-op events concurrent with the organization’s requested dates.

Designated locations for collection drives are subject to change, at the discretion of the Manager on Duty.

Collection drive privileges may be denied or revoked by Co-op Services Department Staff or a Manager on Duty for any reason, at any time.

Organizations wishing to promote their collection drives on site must adhere to Willy Street Co-op’s Tabling Policy.

The views expressed by organizations approved to conduct collection drives on Co-op property are solely those of the organizations themselves, and do not represent the views of Willy Street Co-op.


Social Media
We do monitor our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) but we do not have staff dedicated to monitoring them on a 24/7 basis. While we welcome an open dialogue, we ask that visitors to our accounts be compassionate and respectful of one another and their concerns they wish to raise. We will remove any posts/comments and/or block users that call people names, use profanity, are not relevant to the discussion, or are offensive in any way. We reserve the right to take similar action for any other reason and at any time, with prior approval of the General Manager.


Grounds Policies


Willy Street Co-op supports providing opportunities for nonpartisan and secular 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations to network with our community in a designated area outside on Co-op property. Organizations must be nondiscriminatory. Any form of discrimination based on age, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion or atheism, national or ethnic origin or ancestry, citizenship status, political beliefs, veteran status, disability status, marital status, source of income, arrest record, conviction record, less than honorable discharge, physical appearance, familial status, student status, domestic partner status, receipt of rental assistance, homelessness, unemployment status or any other category protected by state or federal law is contrary to the principles and policies of Willy Street Co-op.

Eligible organizations are required to adhere to the following rules in order to table on Co-op property:

  • Organizations may reserve time to table any day for up to three and a half (3.5) hours between 12:00pm and 7:00pm.* Reservations must be made at least one week in advance with the Owner Resources Coordinator at the store where the organization plans to hold their tabling event. Reserving space to table at the Co-op ensures that space and time will be available for organizations to present information. Reservations are first-come, first-served and may be denied or restricted due to scheduling priorities or other reasons.
  • Reservations are not complete until the Owner Resources Coordinator has provided confirmation to the organization.
  • Individuals representing the approved organization may NOT directly approach people anywhere on Co-op property or in the parking lot. Interaction must be initiated by the passerby. Aggressive canvassing or “hard-sell” tactics may result in suspension of tabling privileges.
  • Organizations are required to provide all their own supplies. Organizations are encouraged to use displays to attract attention to their cause, and allowed to provide the following things while tabling:
    • A table and chair(s).
    • A display with materials about the organization’s goals or relevant materials.
    • Petitions, provided they are nonpartisan and the organization adheres to compliance with Rule #2.
    • Products and fundraising materials. Eligible organizations must receive pre-approval from the Customer Experience Manager to sell product or fundraise. Permission will be granted on a case-by-case basis. Please discuss needs with the Owner Resources Coordinator when making reservation. Schools and school organizations are not eligible to sell products or fundraise on Co-op property. Ineligible organizations that are interested in fundraising may request a donation from the Co-op for fundraising events held elsewhere by filling out the donation request form at
  • Organizations and all of their property must be clear of any walkways into or out of the store’s entrance.
  • Clothing cannot depict slogans or images that are partisan or denoting profanity, hate speech, or sexually explicit content.
  • Organizations are not allowed to park in the Co-op parking lots.

Designated locations for tabling are subject to change, at the discretion of the Manager on Duty.

Tabling event privileges may be denied or revoked by Co-op Services Department Staff or a Manager on Duty for any reason, at any time. Those who are NOT eligible or approved to table on Co-op property may canvas on the public sidewalk in front of the store.

The views expressed by organizations approved to table on Co-op property are solely those of the organizations themselves, and do not represent the views of Willy Street Co-op.

*NOTICE FOR SCOUT TROOPS: Due to high demand, the Co-op allows up to two tabling sessions per troop, per year.




(adopted 12/16/2014)

To enable Owners to effectively address concerns related to products offered by Willy Street Co-op (the Co-op).

The Co-op is a consumer owned business; our products are selected based on our understanding of our Owners’ interest and in accordance with a variety of criteria outlined in our Food and Product Selection Philosophy. Many concerns related to product can be addressed by simply removing the product due to low sales. Sometimes, a boycott is useful to make a point to a producer we would like to see perform better. In these cases, we recognize the boycott actions of other reputable organizations. Owners also have the right to object to the decision to carry product and the right to engage in advocacy pertaining to the removal of product.

Per our Bylaws and the Cooperative Principles, boycotts must be nondiscriminatory and nonpartisan in nature.

Recognized Boycott Actions

The Co-op will recognize boycotts called by qualified organizations upon their request and initiate a 14-day comment period for Owners to become informed and provide feedback. An organization must meet the following criteria in order for the Co-op to consider recognizing their boycott:

  • Organization must be nonpartisan, meaning that they must not endorse political parties or candidates.
  • Organization must be local or have a local chapter/division by our local definition (In Wisconsin or within a 150-mile radius from the Capitol).
  • Organization must have a mission statement that demonstrates a tie with the Our Mission Statement or Food and Product Selection Philosophy.
Owner Driven Boycotts

In the event that Owners wish to request that the Co-op engage in an organization-wide product removal or boycott, Owners may comment via customer comment forms in-store, or via the Contact Us page on our website. Should the Co-op receive comments over a one-year (365-day) period about a specific product or brand from one percent (1%) or more of the total Owners reported at the end of the last Fiscal Year, a 14-day comment period will be initiated for Owners to become informed and provide feedback.

The Co-op reserves the right to fact check and reply publicly to the collective summary of reasons Owners give for requesting to remove product or boycott.

14-Day Comment Period

The Co-op will start the comment period by posting a factual summary of the issues and either information about a recognized boycott or the collected comments of Owners in the Owner Resources Areas at all locations and on the Co-op website. Links to the information online will be provided on social media. The Co-op will also flag all affected product on the shelves in the stores, so that all Owners shopping the product are aware that we are seeking their input.

Owners will have an opportunity to comment on the potential boycott via online form or via customer comment forms in the stores. Owners may choose to have their comments posted on a webpage dedicated to the topic. Only one comment (the first comment made) per voting Ownership will be considered in the decision whether or not to boycott.

The comment period is not a vote, it is an opportunity for Owners to provide feedback to staff regarding whether or not to take action regarding the product in question. Staff will use sales trends, comments, and total numbers of Ownership participation when considering taking action.

Boycott Outcome
The Co-op will decide what actions to take within 21 days of the conclusion of the comment period. Actions and outcomes will be posted online and in the following month’s newsletter. Any articles or letters the Co-op writes to companies or legislators or others regarding issues surrounding the product in question will be made public.